
Who Is Andrew Jackson Democratic Dbq

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Relating to, appealing to, or available to the broad masses of people. Being Democratic is a trait that helps a president go far and be liked by many people. Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States, elected in 1828, and a very good example of being democratic. He loved the people, and ruled for all of them, not just those of similar status.

Andrew Jackson ran his government in a very people oriented way. After his inaugural speech, Jackson bowed to his supporters, something never done by a president in the past, showing his people that he would be for them, not for himself. Jackson was also a strong believer in the Spoils System, giving many of his supporters government jobs, even if they were not qualified. As if the many people that were hired were not enough, Jackson had what he called the “Kitchen Cabinet”, a group of unofficial advisors that Jackson went to to help him make decisions more people oriented and less government biased. More people voted in Jackson’s election also, as the restrictions were loosened, allowing non-land owning white men to vote as well those who owned land. In document 2, the people shout about the people ruling and how they shall. “‘Shall the people rule?’ cried the Jacksonians. The …show more content…

This is something many other men of his social status and race would not do, as many looked down upon the Native Americans, as if they were not equal. Jackson not only raised Lyncoya, but also gave gave him an education.When Lyncoya passed away at 14 from tuberculosis, they even buried him the family garden. According to document 11, Jackson even said in a letter to his wife, “He is the only branch of his family left, and the others when offered to them to take care of would have nothing to do with him but wanted him to be killed…”. It just went to show that Jackson did not care about race or religion,, he just wanted to help the child and the child's family

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