
Who Is Asherah?

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The name of Asherah means "she who walks in the sea," occurs forty-times within nine books of the Old Testament. In the past it was customary for a chief deity or god to have their own distinctive name and the majority of the time his female companion or the chief female deity had the same name or a variant of that name. Additionally, a female deity may have variants or different ways to spell her name such as Athirat, Ashtart, Ashtate, Ashtoreth, Ashratum, Ashira, Ashratu, and Istar are all variants of Asherah.

Before the Ras Sharma tablets were deciphered, most biblical scholars did not even speculate that "the asherahs" might have meant a person and not a thing. Wooden carved poles called "the asherahs" stood upright beside altars next to stone pillars. They interpreted "the asherahs or asherims" as wooden poles and cult objects from Baal worship or groves of trees. Not until after 1938AD, during the first study of the tablets from the Ras Sharma excavation did …show more content…

These sacred poles associated with Asherah were placed in temples of the Israelites throughout most of their history especially during the United Monarch continuing into the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. In Jeremiah 7:18 the prophet Jeremiah gives a warning to the Israelites of their worship of Asherah as well as other gods of Canaanite Pantheon.

Also in Jeremiah 44:15-19, it is the worshippers of Asherah who explain to Jeremiah that when they worship Asherah they receive plenty of food and live well, but when they do not worship Asherah they suffer because of the lack of food. In this passage Asherah is referred to as the "other mighty ones" or "other gods" and the "sovereigness of the heavens" or "queen of heaven."

Evidence provided by both archaeological and biblical sources that the worshipping of Asherah among the Israelites slowly decreased during the emerging of Judaism as shown in 2 Kings

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