
Who Is Katniss 'Survive In The Hunger Games'?

Better Essays

The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross, is an adventurous and eye catching movie. The Hunger Game is a game played by tributes, a boy and a girl from twelve districts, which are chosen to play the game against 23 other people and fight till the death to win victory and return home. Katniss, a voluntary tribute, and Peeta, a selected tribute, are the main characters from district 12.In the game, Katniss is completely alone and tries to survive by any means necessary. On the other hand, Peeta is helping other tributes and hiding out with camouflage. They come together and try to survive the difficult challenges they face within the game, until it is just them standing. As a result of this, Katniss and Peeta are pronounced winners of the Hunger Games. The main characters, like Peeta and Katniss, evolves in …show more content…

This realization triggers him to get her sponsors. Originally, Haymitch does not want to help or give them any type of advice or encouragement to surviving in the Hunger Games. He is just negative towards the whole situation. That changes when Katniss is injured by the fire outbreak. Haymitch watches how Katniss adapts and survives on her own. As a result, it makes him believe in her and have faith. He becomes helpful, caring, and encouraging. So when she gets injured, he makes it his duty to campaign for her and get her sponsors. When he fulfills this duty, he becomes proud and has a different outlook on the Hunger Games. If Haymitch never spoke to sponsors on the behalf of Katniss; Katniss would have died from her injury. This means that Haymitch would have never regained his faith and hope and Katniss would have never won the Hunger Games. This is important in the movie because it displays Haymitch going from a mean, unhopeful man to caring and fulfilling his purpose in the film. Haymitch shows character evolution when he steps out of his stern mentality to help Katniss get

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