
Who Is Spankin Spanking: Necessary Or Harmful?

Decent Essays

Just about everyone believes that spanking is a necessary method of obedience for children to help legislate order in or out of the home. According to Cheryl Ladd, “discipline is so much of an important part of being a parent. Because it’s very, very important to teach your children to take responsibility for their actions.” Although I believe that spanking is not harmful, granted that it is not excessive, it is used as a disciplinary tool, helps kids decipher what is right from wrong, and keeps children motivated to do better and stay out of trouble.
Spanking could be used as a disciplinary tool since it keeps a perfect balance of enforcing good behavior and a way of showing love. When spanking is implemented they, it compels children to behave themselves more in public places. For example, when my mom would take my siblings and me to Wal-Mart, she would spank us whenever we acted up or ran around acting like a fool. After being spanked about two to three times on different occasions, we came to the realization that if we didn’t act a fool then there would be no more spankings. From then on, we would mind our manners and act correctly in public. …show more content…

Considering a good number of adults’ squander through life not knowing what is right from wrong, such as convicts and hoodlums, if taught at an early age then the crime rate would decline. A large majority of hoodlums are terribly disrespectful towards other people primarily due to lack of compassion, but also because they were not in any way taught to respect others. If more people considered spanking or asserted their authority over their kids when they were younger, more adults today would mind their manners and have more maturity. If more people spanked their kids then they would know the difference between right and wrong, as well as have the motivation to be well-behaved and do better in

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