
Who Is The Explorer Program?

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A desire to help those in need is something most police officers share. Being on a police force is a noble line of work that requires much dedication and training. Though the idealistic view of the job can vary from the realistic work officers do, officers work toward end goals with every shift. During high school, Randy Moore took an ROP law enforcement class, which allowed him to get involved with the police explorer program. Modesto, along with many other cities, offer this program, which is open to all youth from the community ranging from 14 to 21 years in age. This is strictly a volunteer program that gives service to the Police Department and the community. The Explorer Program is a structured program that gives young men and women the academic and technical training needed to become future Law Enforcement Officers. As an explorer, one would be able to do ride-a-longs, provide security at special events, handle minor traffic accidents, parking tickets, and help community service vehicles. This program allowed Moore to figure out which career he wanted to pursue; for the past twenty-four years, Randy Moore has been a police officer. Officer Moore currently works on the force in Ceres, California.
Just like any other career, before someone can join a police force, one must go through the academy first. Police training is fulfilled by a full-time academy, which normally takes about nineteen weeks. Because the Police Academy is required by the state of California, “you

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