
Who Is The Ranger's Apprentice

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The tenth book of the Ranger’s Apprentice was amazing! I really loved how this book made Horace a more important character, and he was featured more in this book then the other books in the series. I also loved how Evanlyn and Alyss became friends and overcame their jealousies, they were only enemies ,because Alyss thought Evanlyn was trying to steal her boyfriend, it was pretty funny. When Horace was trying to learn Nihon-jan swordsmanship, and how the Emperor of Nihon-ja and Horace became good friends like brothers even. When Ariska rebelled against the emperor and the emperor had to find help from the lower class villagers it was really nice how they respected the emperor because he was always fair to them. It was really cool how Evanlyn and Alyss worked together to take down the giant beast that killed villagers.

A good idea for a sequel to the tenth book would involve Horace and Evanlyn’s wedding and I feel like Will should now get an apprentice,because I’m sure that Will is ready. In the sequel, Will and Halt and Will’s apprentice should go on an adventure and get out of Araluen. The sequel should be about Wills apprentice and how they along with Halt go on an adventure. There should be more about the love life of the group of friends and Horace and Will’s old childhood companions. …show more content…

The Emperor of Nihon-Ja was really special to me,because it was more about Horace and how he bonds with the Emperor of Nihon-Ja and the emperor teaches him the ways of Nihon-Ja. Every book in the Ranger's apprentice series is extremely good and it is my new favorite series of all time. It as the first time Horace went on a military mission alone. This is the first book that Evanlyn openly admitted that she loves Horace and how the happy couple finally are gonna get married, I hope. A lot of things were a first in this

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