
Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo's and Juliet's deaths are the most important point in the play. This is because they were needless and cause by a series of misfortunes. They were the result of many people's efforts and mistakes, and caused the deaths of many people. These deaths lie firmly on the shoulders of Romeo and Juliet because their love led to many conflicts and death. In addition, it eventually led to their own deaths. Often, the deaths were simple misunderstandings or miscommunications. All of which could have easily been avoided. I firmly believe that ultimately the blame lies on Romeo and Juliet themselves because their decisions and actions led to their own demise. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet were caused by their impulsiveness and poor decisions. An example of this is how fast after meeting each other that they married; “It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden” (Shakespeare 407). They fell in love at first sight, having spoken just a few words before agreeing to get married. Their marriage in secret led to their families fighting, as well as Mercutio’s and Tybalt's deaths. It led to this because while Romeo wanted peace, Tybalt wanted to kill …show more content…

While they didn't make the plan, Juliet agreed to it as is shown when it states “shall I be married then tomorrow morning? No, no! This shall forbid it” (Shakespeare 456). She should have thought to question the plan and make sure that Romeo knew of the plan, as that was a key part. However, because she didn't, Romeo came and believed her to be dead. After he killed himself, she saw that he was in fact dead and decided to kill herself. In addition, while believing she was dead, Romeo killed Paris to get to her tomb. Therefore this plan, but more importantly Juliet's agreement, caused the deaths of at least 3 people. Overall, if Juliet had actually been logical and questioned the plan, or even hesitated to carry it out, several people, including themselves, would have

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