
Whole foods case study Essay

Decent Essays

November 27, 2013
HRM 598
Case Study
Whole Foods Market, Inc. is the largest chain of natural foods supermarkets operating in the United States. Whole Foods has six core values that drive its company and they include; selling the highest quality natural and organic products, satisfying and delighting customers, supporting their Team Members (Whole Food Employees) happiness and growth, creating wealth through profits and growth, caring about the communities and our environment, creating win-win partnerships with their supplies and promoting the health of their stakeholders through healthy eating education. The company operates stores in 26 states of the US and in the District of Columbia (Whole Foods Market, 2010). Whole …show more content…

Although Whole Foods has various departments in the stores, having distinct job requirements makes it easier to group/classify jobs into a predetermined grade. What I mean by this is that a Team Member in the Bakery has the same basic skills and knowledge as a Team Member in Meat, although the responsibilities may differ from bakery to meat, the overall responsibilities and qualifications in the jobs are exactly the same. Providing excellent customer service and maintaining the departments that they work in are just two of the responsibilities that come to mind.
Having a varying pay scale based on the person’s position in the hierarchy is something that is almost a given, but it doesn’t make one person or position more important than the other. According to their own company website “Whole Foods seek individuals who believe in their mission of Whole Foods, Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet-people who are enthusiastic about food and our products, and who want to join a culture of shared fate” ( With that being the companies mission statement individuals who work for Whole Foods understand that they are valued and with the training and development programs that are offered they can be promoted to a higher level with the experience, knowledge and skills they have obtained in their positions.
Evaluation of Job Descriptions
After looking over the job descriptions for the Whole Foods

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