
Why Am I Attending College Research Paper

Decent Essays

I am one of those freshman students this year, who is attending college this fall at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. It never hit me until now why I even decided to go to college. There are numerous reasons why millions of students are attending college every year, just like me. I am attending college to grow successful in life, expand my awareness, and occupy countless opportunities to travel. The greatest momentous reason why I chose to attend a university is that I hope to become successful in life. First, I want to graduate IUP with a degree to have an exceptional job. Even though I am undecided, I am working my way towards becoming a nurse or a therapist for disabled children, in order to make plenty of money. This will be beneficial for me because I will be paying a great quantity for my job, so I could pay off my college loans, own house, and taking care of myself for health reasons. Once I get myself situated, I could find a gentleman, get married, and have a compact family. This way, I can start a new family, and be joyful with my own new life. Other than becoming successful in life, gathering new people and receiving the chance to expand my awareness is another reason …show more content…

What this means is that I can meet a multitude of different people who have their own beliefs, perspective, and many other subjects to make them who they are. I want to meet as many people as I can, and see who I would want to still communicate with for the rest of my life. A variety of people in this world are different, and I would desire to meet the right people, who have the same interests or classes as me. In that approach, I can be friends and have a chance to date people that are almost like who I am. As much as having the wish to obtain many people like me, traveling all around the world is another reason why I aspire to go to

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