
Why Cursive Writing Should Be Taught In Schools

Decent Essays

“While some argue, cursive writing belongs in the archives and common core ushers it out of schools, the evidence shows we need it as much as ever.” says Jennifer Doverspike. Some people may question why it is still necessary for cursive to be taught in our schools. Especially when we are no longer in the 21st century. Where we have now entered the new age where technology is constantly on the rise, and tablets and iPhones have taken over. This drastic change has allowed our children and adults to take the easier route. Although the electronic world has taken over and has added new elements to the writing world. Researchers have found a strong connection between writing by hand, the mind, language skills, memory and artificial thinking.
So why cursive still needed in our education system? This seems to be a alarming question the education policy makers are facing with technology on the rise. A place where the curls and the beautiful long handed writing seems to be outdated. In this short essay I will explain the benefits of why cursive should remain in our school system.
Some argue that it isn’t needed anymore because it …show more content…

Or how amongst many things they can read the bible, Shakespeare, so there is no use. That our children should be learning and focused on things that matter like counting and comprehension. However, I feel that cursive should be put back into common core and left there. How else can we connect to the past? Cursive writing allows us to connect to the past whether its history or reading our grandparents letters. If you cannot write cursive how do you except to understand it. A lot of historical documents like the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and many others are all originally written in cursive. Seems as if today youth will only be able to read the transcripts of these documents. I’m not okay with that and neither should our education

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