
Why Did The Moon Landing Conspiracy

Good Essays

Jade Brown
Mr. Bergmann
Senior English B2
31 March 2015
Moon landing conspiracy
In 1969 NASA decided to send Apollo 11 astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Armstrong was the first to step foot on the moon, the other two came later. These moments were captured on television cameras by Eagle. Armstrong took moon samples and photographs as soon as he landed on the moon. The conspiracy theory claims that the elements of the moon landings were hoaxes by NASA with other organization. The public made conspiracy claims since the 1970s and claim that NASA and others knowingly faked the whole moon landing by manufacturing, tampering with, or destroying evidence including pictures, tapes, radio and television transmissions, …show more content…

It was a race against the Soviet Union. President John F. Kennedy famously stated in a speech that the U.S. chose to go to the moon because it was hard. A conspiracists named Philip Plait says “Soviets have their own competing moon program, an extensive intelligent network and a formidable scientific community able to analyze NASA data, they would have cried foul if the U.S. faked the moon landings, especially since they failed.” The soviets have been sending unknown equipment since 1959 to the moon but they did not set foot on the …show more content…

In 2009 the American patriot friend’s network claimed that the landings helped the U.S. government use the landings to distract the public from the Vietnam War. The landings ended around the same time as the U.S. ended its involvement with the war. It is proven that the moon landings was in no relation to the end of U.S. involvement in Vietnam. Many conspiracies claim that the landings did not happen and that NASA employees have lied or say that the landings did happen but not in the way that has been told. The public’s whole idea was that the whole moon landing program was a hoax from the beginning. Some claim that the technology that sends men to the moon was lacking or that the solar flares or wind made the trip impossible. Conspiracists claim the landing are a hoax because of the photos and films, the environment, mechanical issues, and transmissions. Conspiracists look mostly at the pictures and films that were taken from the moon. They point out oddities. They say in some pictures, crosshairs seem to be behind objects which is a sign of the picture being cropped or rotated for aesthetic impact. The pictures quality seems to be implausibly high by many poor-quality photos taken by the Apollo astronauts and used high resolution. Lastly the conspiracists say that the photos are a hoax because there are no stars in none of the

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