Athletes are always getting criticised and yelled at for “complaining” that they are not getting paid enough. However athletes risking so much to go pro. They can also be plagued with injury. That’s why athletes are paid fairly.
First, injuries could ruin and have ruined athletes careers in a blink of an eye. Athletes endure lots of stress on their muscles while working out or playing the sport. This in turn could result in arthritis and other difficulties in later life. As an athlete, injuries are common. Most athletes have to shell out more money than they should have to since most insurance companies won't cover athletes. It’s very expensive and difficult and difficult to hold on to insurance as an athlete because some injuries could range from $20,000-$100,000. Injuries are now an accommodation to sports. Everyday when you turn on Sportscenter in the morning you hear about the newest star getting hurt, hardworking players who get no recognition get hurt which can range from them being out for almost a year which takes away a lot of money for that underrated player while a
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Athletes aren't paid a lot just because they play sports, they get paid a lot because we buy merchandise to support the team and the sport. The NBA made 4.7 billion dollars in revenue and only half of that goes towards the players, the other half goes towards a bunch of people who sit in rooms and suspended people in the league. Sports are considered one of america’s greatest past times. So why do athletes get criticised for making so much? Actors do what athletes do and that's entertain people, and just like actors only the best get paid the millions upon millions of dollars. Lots of people play sports as kids and some are even good enough to play college but, only few are good enough to go pro. Let alone be a star. In conclusion, entertainment is a huge part to the U.S so if movie stars get paid a lot athletes should
One reason professional athletes are not overpaid, is they work extremely hard for their earnings. The athletes who make serious money are virtuosos, many of whom combine hard work with undeniable talent to make a career out of what they love. There’s a reason professional leagues only have about thirty teams, rather than one for each city in the country, talent is rare. What many people fail to see in an athlete is the amount of talent in them,
One reason athletes should be paid less is because their jobs aren't helping the society. For example a nurse only makes $70,000 a year, unlike basketball superstar LeBron James who makes $71 million a year. People that help
My opinion on this on this problem is that athletes should be paid because they work just as hard as all pro athletes. They deserve recognition for what they're doing. With the motivation to make this money they'll play harder and harder to collect their pay. You can get the most out of people if money is involved. They say money is the root of all evil but this can make money be the root success. More money being paid to them the more success they can have in their seasons.
extraordinary fan-base, fans buy posters and shirts with their faces on it. Not to mention that young
Have you ever wondered why athletes why athletes get paid millions of dollars? Since 1995 the NBA salaries have gone up an 80 percent. The NFL salaries have jumped 18.5 percent since 1990. The average American worker makes 46,000 dollars year. Athletes should not get paid as much money because they are not actually working they are just playing sports , also laborers work longer hours and get paid less than athletes do, and finally while workers are working very hard athletes are practicing their sport.
From the 66% of boys who have played sports to going from the 1.1% that can make it to the pro level. These people have put copious amount of work and time to get to this level and people still say they don’t deserve their pay. Sports have been around for thousands of year and have been enjoyed by billions. Since Billions will pay to watch sports it generates billions for each sports industry, and the players involved in their sport deserve a cut of that money earned. I claim that athletes are not overpaid because they earn revenue for their team, less than 2% make it to the professional level, and PGA players earn most of their money through tournament winnings.
These athletes take millions home for just playing a game. Playing games for life isn’t worth million-dollar wages. Some players make the big bucks without even leaving the bench. Take the NBA for an example. The Golden State Warriors bring in billions because they are a championship basketball team. The Warriors have seventeen guys on their roster. A handful of those seventeen don’t see any playing time. Damian Jones’s job is to come to practice and sit the bench during games and he earns 1.17 million a year doing so. Even the players who do play get paid an outrageous amount of money. The most widely know Warrior player Stephen Curry takes home 34.4 millions for just playing a game he loves. There is no reason he needs that much money. The athlete’s love for the game, not the money, should keep him playing. Paying athletes even half of what they make now should still keep them in their respected
Professional athletes are more prone to get injured than a lot of other professions. “He was on his way to a record shattering career until taking a hit from Kevin Walker that popped his hip out of place during a playoff game in ‘90. Because of this hit, Bo had to get hip replacement surgery and wasn’t able to return to football” (Diaz). Bo Jackson took one hard hit in football and could not play ever again, and his life would forever be changed after a hip replacement surgery. Athletes never know when they are going to get
Average people go to work everyday just like an athlete, so why do they get paid more than us? First, athletes are not the only ones that are in the sports industry. Coaches, trainers, etc., all are affected if money was to be taken out of professional sports. Lots of people would be out of a job if this were to happen. Next, athletes need money for when their careers
In addition, athletes also are at risk of injuries every time they play. “ There's a chance, especially if you're playing football that your one play away from a crippling injury” -Doug Ganville. For instance, health insurance companies will either deny athletes coverage or give unhelpful coverage, so most medical bills are payed out of pocket. For this reason, if an athlete’s has to get surgery in retirement, it is very expensive. On that same note, athlete’s with a back, knee or head injuries are affected the rest of their lives. In short, injuries affect athletes physically and financially.
There are various athletes around the world that receives a huge amount of money. Compared to other professions, famous athletes make a lot more than doctors, engineers, scientists and many more. High class athletes make up to sixty three to four hundred million dollars a year compared to high class doctors who are saving lives everyday or soldiers who fight for their countries everyday, putting their lives on the line. Whether it is putting a ball inside a hoop or ball behind the net, athletes should not be getting payed more than other professionals. Putting your life on the line for your country or trying to save someone’s life is much more worthy of a sixty million dollar earning.
Do we care more about entertainment than our health, and the people that run and fight for our county? Athletes make more money than hard workers, by just playing a game. Also, they often do not do much with their money for others. By all of this we can say, athletes are overpaid… by quite an amount.
The professional athletes get paid millions to go play sports and just have fun and win a championship if they are really good and get paid millions. The athletes give us something to watch but, I don't think they should get paid millions.
To start off, there are many other jobs that need the money more than professional athletes. First, Muhammad Ali can make up to 5 million dollars per match. Second, doctors save lives almost every day and only being paid $500,000 at max. Third, , while people working in our public economy struggling to earn money professional athletes are being paid large quantities of money by playing a game. Therefore, professional athletes are being paid much large quantities
Yes, athletes are paid for their ability to perform but they must also take into account when accepting the high paid positions that they bear a responsibility to their fans to be an upstanding citizen and live/conduct themselves accordingly. The higher paid athletes are able to buy and live an incredibly lavish lifestyle. This makes all things accessible to them which can be a