
Why Do Organelles Carry Out Its Function

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There are several different organelles which allow the cell to carry out its function which is reproduction and growth. There are important organelles that the eukaryotic cell needs, one of which is that the nucleus is present. The nucleus acts as the brain of the eukaryotic cell. DNA is found in the nucleus which holds all the genes and also controls the cell. The cells function is to reproduce, which needs the nucleus to do this. To carry out another function which is to reproduce, the chromosomes which are found in the DNA are needed and copied. The cell also needs a lot of energy for this. The energy is created by the eukaryotic cell’s other organelle which is mitochondria. The mitochondria make energy out of food and then give the cell the energy it needs to carry out its function. The lysosome then digests enzymes which breaks down the …show more content…

Proteins are manufactured according to instructions encoded in the genes in the nucleus. These genes are then transcripted into RNA from DNA in the nucleus. The RNA then leaves the nucleus and interacts with ribosomes on the ER, which now links amino acids together to form protein chains. The cell membrane is a selective barrier on the boundary of every cell. Its function is to allow the passage of oxygen, nutrients, and wastes to service the entire volume of the cell. The lysosomes are digestive organelles where macromolecules and other wastes are hydrolyzed by enzymes. There main function is to process the molecules taken in through the cell membrane and to recycle worn out cell parts. After ribosome synthesize proteins, the proteins are transported through the rough ER then, proteins are enclosed in a vesicle and transported to the Golgi apparatus, where processing, packaging, and transport of proteins is done. After the protein is processed, it will then bud off from the Golgi apparatus (as vesicles) and transport to where ever it is

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