
Why Do Students Have Recess

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Did you know that the human brain cooperates better when you have a longer break time? Whether or whether not you think students need a recess. Recess is very important, here is why: Students’ learning abilities increase, obesity and health problems have gotten better and more recess helps student cope and socialize better with other people. To begin with, obesity and health rates, just keep going up and up and up. Every year, more and more children are becoming obese. Obesity is starting at younger ages now. First lady Michelle Obama states, “With my healthy kids meals, obesity in the world should go down.” (Adams). Too many children are becoming obese and this may not be their fault. They may live under too much stress at home, or their parent may just keep dishing out food to them and maybe even the parent works late and every night this child eats at a fast food restaurant.This is not good for a child’s health. Pediatric doctors say that forty- five minutes is the average time that students should get to play outside. This is helping you out, along with P.E. P.E is being taken out of school, or only for a semester or two. When P.E is absent, then what …show more content…

This is not good for their physical or mental health. Their bodies have not fully developed, and these children that weigh that much could grow up with defects, or something horribly wrong with them. Children weighing that much, are practically setting themselves up for diabetes and bullying. If you are in seventh grade and your five foot nothing and weigh 250 pounds, you are more than likely to get bullied by your weight. Recess can give children the opportunity to sweat and work out some of the junk food in their system. Recess may motivate children to start working out, and want to do something with their

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