
ATP And Its Role In The Human Body

Decent Essays

This essay will be covering three key areas first of whom; why we need energy, secondly it will give an outline of what ATP is and its role in the body and it will outline the main energy sources required for energy release. Basal metabolism, body composition, digestion and absorption, physical energy and mental energy are the five key reasons why we need energy. The process of using energy begins with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) this is a compound which scientists referred to and defined as the currency for energy exchange in the body, main body features in the body such as muscles cant contract without it Robert (1999). ATP consists of an adenosine molecule which is linked to 3 phosphate molecules by high energy and chemical bonds. To gain energy from muscular contraction one of the phosphate molecules is released, however we may not realize this but this process is crucial to humans working muscles can get ATP from any of 3 sources, depending on the situation. When you attack a hill, for instance, you need energy released quickly. However, a long, flat stretch calls for steady production of ATP lasting many minutes or hours. Your body senses the difference and taps the appropriate source Robert (1999). The first of the main energy sources required for energy release is known as the ATP-PC system which stands for adenosine and phosphocreatine system, this energy source has a limited amount of ATP in the muscle cell it’s found in a moderately high energy compound which is

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