
Why Do We Need Peaceful Resistance

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Peaceful resistance to laws are not a threat to a free society; in fact, is is almost encouraged in a way. People who stand up for what they believe in is a staple in this country's history and what has made this great nation what it is. These people are, at the very least, standing up and resisting something that they don't believe in. They aren't the ones that just go with the flow all throughout their lives. It is admirable, even if one personally disagrees with what these people are resisting from. The real problem is when there are people who can't just resist laws in a peaceful way. A perfect example would be exactly what is going on lately with all of the riots since the election and inauguration of Donald Trump is president. People are in the streets and up close to Capitol Hill …show more content…

Not only have there been many instances of separation among African-Americans and whites, but now there are many issues between simply men and women. Women want equality, which is understandable, but they need to protest in a peaceful, strong, and independent way; when they hold up signs that say horrible things, they are not displaying any kind of peaceful resistance; instead, they come across as extremely rude and defensive, which only causes more hate. That's the thing; there's not enough love in this country in this current state, which is why there hasn't been as much peaceful resistance and protesting. There is so much hate among many people in this country. It is important that this country realizes that it must unite in order to get anything done. Peaceful resistance truly does more good than hateful resistance (like the saying, "one can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar"). This idea is very prevalent in this issue, and if those who resist laws in a hateful way would realize this, then they would actually be able to do more good for what they are standing up for and trying to

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