Ask yourself this. Do women still have the same rights as men? If you said yes, no or i don't know then i will tell you .“No” women don't have the same rights as men still to this day. Over the years us women have been fighting for our own rights because reason is we need the same salary as men . You should care about this life of matter because it's just not right/fair that the men get paid more than women when women work more and are well educated than most men. Most of you men wouldn't care cause you guys already have all the rights but i know that us women would care because if you look around you would see that us women rarely have equal rights reasons why you should care because mostly all women are well educated , women are heros too not only men and women are blamed for getting rape. In california women are still fighting for their rights still to this day like Hillary Clinton she's made a …show more content…
If you look around the world you can see that women are putting this world together they are the cause that our society is still holding onto this bad generation . Have you ever seen a movie about moms how they too care of us how they taught us how to speak , how to respect other, how to walk , how to make friends , how to get over breakups , and to find good friends . Sometimes we don't appreciate what our moms do for us i’ve see how children disrespect their mom's because they don't get it “there way” they don't get a toy from the store so they start a tantrum . I know for a face this is all true because sometimes i don't appreciate what my mom does for me and i feel bad for that. I judge kids my age on how they treat their mom but i just realized that i did that too.There's a lot of things you need to notice like how you treat your mom. Your mom should be your hero cause without her you wouldn't know how to do the things you do now. But sometimes you have to be the hero and save her life because the world out here is very
every women should have equal rights of that of a man, however that does not seem to be the case in
Women have proven time and time again that they are capable, strong, and independent. They’ve proven their worth to society and led us to where we are today. While we still face inequalities in our society, we’ve overcome many hardships not only in our home country, but around the world. We can look at each individual woman above and see how her strength, her confidence, and her dedication contributed to the bigger picture. While individually they may seem like small steps, they are raindrops in the hurricane that helped break down the barricades in our world that trapped these women. Each woman helped to destroy the stigma against their weak and frail bodies, their fragile minds and emotions, and their lack of knowledge of the world. Without women, the Allies would have lost the war. It goes to show that sometimes we have to swallow our pride on our social issues and accept that every person is human. Every person is equal, and if given the opportunity, can be just as contributional as their so-called social
For many years, women have been fighting for equal rights as men. The fight started years back, and continues to happen today. Many of the rights woman have now would not have been possible if it was not for the many women who stood up for what they believed in, and did not give up on the movement to make things right. Although, the fight for equal rights is still active, the freedom women have now compared to back in the 19th century is very different.
Although women now have many more rights and freedoms than what they used to, it didn’t simply happen over night. Throughout the course of history men have always had a superior role to women in our society. White Men could own land, earn a wage, get an education, and state their political ideas much before women ever could. Women have earned their way closer to being equivalent to men by fighting for a higher position in law, receiving education, and advancing to wage labor in the work force.
I believe that most Americans today feel women have the same rights as men. They believe that women now have equal rights, but do they really? In many cases women do have equal rights. They
Although women have gained many more rights, they still are not equal to men. Women had to fight to get a fraction of the rights men were granted. In 2017, women still do not have control over their own lives and bodies.
Women have virtually the same rights as men. However, the fault needing to be recognized in today’s society is the way that women are treated. Even in simple areas, such as jobs, women are put on the back burner. A woman is able to become a CEO of a company, nonetheless, she will struggle twice as hard as a man would. Even as an employee, women are statistically paid less than men are.
For as long as most can remember, women have never been viewed as equal to men. Women have fought for many rights including the right to vote, run for office, and for everyday things such as equal pay, the right to job listings, getting an education, and even having a credit card in their own name.
Most people think that the fight for women's equality stopped years ago when in reality it still remains a national issue. Legally it appears as though women have the same freedoms as men, for example the right to vote, freedom of speech, etc. But due to the fact that women still don't obtain equal pay or have nationwide paid maternity leave, it's still an ongoing fight. Fair and equal rights for women are still a large problem in the U.S. and we need to take action against these injustices.
In 1921, women were granted suffrage, but suffragists were still hungry for more. Knowing that the right to vote would not eliminate sex discrimination in America, Alice Paul wrote the Equal Rights Amendment to step closer to equality. After half a century of struggle, women in America are still fighting for rights that men were given to when they were born. Even though women are just as intelligent, capable and hardworking as men, if not more, they are not considered an equal under the U.S. Constitution. Can you believe that today, in the 21st century, we still degrade women and treat them as inferiors to men? Can you believe that just because you are a woman, you are less than equal to the male population? Look around you, all those boys and girls are not equal to each other under our “just” country’s laws. As it is long overdue, the Equal Rights Amendment should be ratified because there is no other amendment that talks about sex discrimination, it would eliminate any inequality in regards to sex, and it would make the judicial stance on sex discrimination cases much clearer.
After more than 200 years of living under the United States Constitution and despite all of the progress women have made, they still to this day continue to suffer discrimination in employment, insurance, health care, education, the criminal justice system, social security and pensions, and just about any other area you can name.
Throughout history rights were separated into different groups of people. People who had more power and people who had less. White men used to be at the top. Most people preach, especially here, that that is not the case anymore. We have won battles for civil rights. Women can vote. Even with everyone saying that everyone is equal, do they actually believe it. 1 out of 5 women are raped. Easier said than done, don’t you think?
This is the year of 2016, it has been approximately 93 years scene the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced to Congress. Still after 93 years, the amendment was never officially passed. Now in 2016, women are dominating almost every job a man has done: a lawyer, a voter, a businesswoman, a politician, maybe even a president, but still are being seen as women from the 1920s. Why? In 2012, full time working women made 77 cents for every dollar a man made, this is a 23 percent gap between the genders (Rosen). Women work equally as men in their everyday lives, but are not treated nor rewarded equally. According to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, "Certainly the Constitution does not require discrimination on the basis of sex. The only issue is whether it prohibits it. It doesn't." (Arquette). The constitution does not prohibit discrimination as the law was never ratified. Sure, employers do not allow it, but they do
Retired women are twice as likely as retired men to live in poverty. Although many people believe that the United States doesn’t fit into the category of unequal rights for women because of the rights women in the United States have compared to the rest of the world, that thinking couldn’t be farther from the truth, since the United States culture and the world culture around women is not favored towards women.
They have their rights equally distributed after marriage. A woman stays at home, give birth, do houseworks or field works, or sometimes supervise the houseworks. But looking back, men actually look higher than women. Men also do fieldworks, fight enemies and lead a group. Now, rights of women are being fought upon every place in the world. Feminists say that there should be equal rights for men and women because everything a man can do, can also be done by a woman. Before, the women were more of a houseperson but now, we can see that a lot of women became anything a man can be. There are many women who work on a job that was just for men before. Soon enough, there will be a war on feminists and