
Why Do You Love You Essay

Decent Essays

All Of You

When you love someone, you have to love someone whole.
You can never love bits and parts of someone and say “I love you.”

When you tell someone you love them, you are speaking to their whole being.
You are saying “I love YOU,” which tells me that you can’t fully love a person in parts.

The highest form of love knows all of the deep roots of the person and loves them anyway, forgives them anyway, and accepts them as they are anyway.

Love is when nothing is hidden, when you accept the other’s soul, fully, with no judgment.

That is the only way love can never die.


To be able to feel the ordinary, in the most powerful ways, is moving.

You can create jewels in simple things, if you have certain eyes.

You can find love in …show more content…

Well, how about we stop blaming and we do something about it. If anyone has the power, it starts with you and it starts with me. It starts with us. Not tomorrow, but now. Right this second. So many of us crave love, but we do everything in our power to try to destroy it. We do everything in our power to find everything, but love. We search for fulfillment in temporary things. Love is way deeper than the surface. It is much deeper than something that comes and goes. I am not sure what it is, but I know what it is not. Love thrives in the foundation of its roots, and you cannot create it if you don't search for its layers deep in the soil—way beyond what is seen. You are always, always searching for better and better and never content with what you have because you don't pick what you have with your soul. If you would even entertain something that is not the best for your soul, you are settling. That is why I don't believe in options. I wouldn't even know where to begin to try and divide my soul, giving parts of it to different people. I would never be fulfilled. Love never left. We have left it. If you pay attention, you'll

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