
Why Does Writing Matter

Satisfactory Essays

What Do I Write:

I don't write very often but when I do I write about things that have meaning to me, unless it's a school related essay. If it's not a school related essay, my writings are wither songs or I will write the occasional poem from time to time.

When Do I Write:

Most of my writings are written when I am in my deepest thoughts which normally occurs at night, but if it is school related I write whenever I feel it is necessary.

Why Do I Write:

I mostly write because I am required to for a course. If it's not school related I do it to clear my thoughts. I really enjoy writing music because it comes very naturally to me. Even though I know I will go no where in the music industries I will continue to do it because it helps me deal with stress. I also write ti help other people get a different perspective on things, which may help them learn and succeed. …show more content…

It has been around since the beginning of time. It also is used to describe what happened to people years ago, which helps learn about our own history. Writing also gives everybody a way to express their own feelings without being judged.

What Writing Matters:

Every Writing matters. The most basic of writings can mean the world to someone and you may not even know it. Writings help people learn about old things and new things, they also show and express emotions that mean a lot to certain people. Overall no matter what the writing is it can be important in a

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