
Why Donald Trump Shouldn T Be President

Decent Essays

On November 8, 2016 the US election took place. The two front runners, the Democratic nominee Hilary Clinton and the Republican nominee, Donald Trump went neck to neck in the presidential race. On this frightening night, millions of people watched America’s worst nightmare unfold right in front of their own eyes. Donald J. Trump the islamophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, sexist, racist bigot defeated Hilary Clinton and became the 45th President of the United States of America. Donald Trump shouldn’t have even been nominated to run for president. The United States of America is the most powerful western country. The future of this country now lies in the hands of an idiotic, hot headed man who has no political background for next four years. There is only one possible outcome of this situation, the downfall of America. Not only will this affect the 318 million people living in America but potentially every country that has ties with it too, including Canada. Brace yourself for the incoming years disaster is destined happen. …show more content…

The answer to this question is quite simple, fear. Fear consumed the minds of uneducated Americans. Donald Trump put on this persona that he was some type of savior. That he was going to save America and “make it great again”. We are in a time where people of different races, ethnicities, and religions live together in some extent of equality despite our differences. A certain demographic of Americans fears minorities succeeding and moving forward despite history. I like to refer to this demographic as white supremacist. They want to go back to a time of slavery, segregation, and racism. Times were the white man was superior to those of all other

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