I separated the items in my receipt by putting them into two categories. The first category was items that were taxed, the second category was items that were not taxed. This helped me organize the items in the receipt and to tell the difference between the taxed and non-taxed items. In doing this I learned that only some items get taxed. Food does not get taxed because it is a necessity for all people. Things that are taxed are items that are not food. Items like office supplies, shoes, clothes,etc. These items get taxed because they aren’t really a must have like food is. Food is not taxed because it is something we must all be able to afford. Items that are not food don’t get taxed because they are resources that not everyone needs.
The American Revolution began when all of the laws and taxes were being passed on to the Americans. The Americans eventually fought for and won their independence by rebelling against the British Parliament. Britain's laws made for the Americans were only an advantage to the British, which was unfair.
Can you recall an incident in American history involving disgruntled citizens dumping tea into the Boston Harbor? I can. This tea dumping was one of the foremost events of the revolution. Do you remember why these angry citizens dressed as Indians, stormed one of their own boats, and dumped all of the crates of tea into the harbor? The English monarchy’s taxing of the settlers’ tea caused this uprising. Right now, West Virginia’s government is levying an almost identical tax; the government is taxing the very food that West Virginians eat for survival. Doesn’t the government tax enough each year without taxing something that is required for our very sustenance? According to USA Today,
Everyone does shopping. It’s the way Americans live their daily life. It is from getting doughnuts at Quiktrip to buying an iPad. All these goods have to have a transaction in order for you to own it. Sales tax is an important part of this transaction. Everyday, people pay sales tax everyday for their purchases. Some states have high rates, and some states have low sales tax rates.
On a yearly basis 18 million dollars are spent on school lunches for schools all over America. And taxpayers, are the ones paying for part of that. Government is trying to get the United States to eat healthier, but in the end money is being wasted and people are not happy about it. Overall the government should not be regulating what we eat.
The government should not have a say in the people’s diets. It is their life and they get to choose what decide to put into their bodies. No one needs the government telling them what to eat. Many people eat healthy by choice. Most people, at least in America, are educated well enough to distinguish between what foods are good for us and foods that are not so good for us. So people choose to eat healthy because it fits their active life-style and they enjoy their figure. If someone wants to ruin their life by eating constant junk, then let them. It is their choice. While e government says today that they may only have a say in our diets, tomorrow they will control them. As a whole many people may view themselves as adults, and know that with adulthood
Gambling may seem harmless and an easy win with money, but it is really a tax on the poor and gives false hopes. The lottery and gambling is a tax on the poor in ways that people don’t see. As well as the tax, gambling gives people false hope.
Taxes are the dollars that we pay to government to supply the services that are not or can not be provided through the free enterprise system. Taxes have been around since the beginning of organized societies. They come in various forms. Most common are income taxes both federal and local government. These taxes are assessed on the amount of income a person earns. Other taxes come in the form of user taxes; these taxes are imposed on the people that are using the goods being taxed, such as gas tax, alcohol tax, sales tax, and luxury taxes. Property taxes make up the major revenues for local and city governments. Furthering the burden of taxation are taxes that are attached to such bills as utility
"Bad Food? Tax It, and Subsidize Vegetables”, is a short article about the different foods that are considered “bad” and that we should tax them and have cheaper prices on good food like fruits and vegetables. “Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause”, is a short story about attacking the different the ways that bad food can be consumed by the people who eat it, through vending machines and stands. “No Lunch Left Behind”, is a short story about how every child in America deserves a healthful and delicious lunch that is prepared with fresh ingredients and how no child should be denied a free lunch in schools. All of the articles compare to each other, by attacking the main subject of all short stories,“Bad Food”. Bad food is
The United States tax system is in complete disarray. Republicans and Democrats agree that the current tax code is complex, unfair, and costly. The income tax system is so complex; the IRS publishes 480 tax forms and 280 forms to explain the 480 forms (Armey 1). The main reason the tax system is so complex is because of the special preferences such as deductions and tax credits. Complexity in the current tax system forces Americans to spend 5.4 billion hours complying with the tax code, which is more time than it takes to manufacture every car, truck and van produced in the United States (Armey 1). Time is not the only thing that is lost with the current tax system; Americans also lose
What if tomorrow’s news headline read, “U.S. GOVERNMENT BANS THE SALE OF KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS?” How would the country react? According to a study released by the National Center for Health Statistics (2008), “32.7% of American adults were overweight…an additional 34.3% were obese, and that 5.9% were extremely obese” (McGuinness 43). Americans are overweight and obesity is the cause of tens of thousands of preventable deaths in the nation each year (McGuinness 42). The nation is suffering a public health crisis due to overconsumption of nutritionally void food and beverages where “unhealthy eating and sedentary living has become the societal norm” (McGuinness 46). Some believe that the government should intervene by regulating American’s diets; however, others maintain that government intervention would set a dangerous precedent by undermining individual freedoms. Allowing the government to intervene is a slippery slope and could potentially lead to more intrusive actions (“Slippery Slope” 1). Instead of abrogating personal choice the government should re-evaluate the support it gives to institutions that contribute to the obesity epidemic.
Since the recent passage of the Internet Tax Freedom Act, on October 21, 1998, making the Internet tax free, there has been an intense debate on whether to tax or not to tax Internet purchases. The conservative side, also known as the Republicans, is opposed to Internet taxation saying that it is too costly to collect taxes on Internet purchases. They also believe that since Internet retailers do not have a physical presence in every state, why should the state receive sales tax on a nonexistent store in that state? This would be taxation without representation (par. 18 Lukas). On the other hand, the liberals, also known as democrats, believe that taxation of the Internet should be lawful because
Taxes are unavoidable because government is needed and government operates on tax revenues. The FairTax is a tax-inclusive progressive national retail sales tax that replaces every other federal tax in America. The new national sales tax would be 23%. Although there have been some questions as to whether the sales tax rate is 23% or 30% and they stem from the meaning of tax-inclusive and tax exclusive. The sales tax in Florida is an example of an exclusive tax because it works of a preset base. If a person buys something for 1$ and pays a .30$ tax on it the sales tax is 30 percent because it is .30$ on the dollar. With the inclusive tax the item would cost 1.30 because the tax is included with the cost. The tax rate of 23% is calculated by
The New Zealand government should have a tax to regulate the consumption of sugary drinks or foods, because this leads to decrease issues of people 's health and it would be heartening healthy conducts.
understanding of taxes. As previously stated, I knew very little about taxes. Now, I am much
I’ve summed up the introduction of Taxation to these slight words. Taxation is defined as a way that the government able to generate or collect revenue from the citizen of one’s nation through different sources. As what I’ve learned from Taxation course that there are two types of taxation, direct which are paid by the taxpayer directly to the government, and indirect which are collected by an intermediary (like a retail store) from the consumer. The intermediary who will file the tax return later and forward the amount of the money to the government with the return. This tax is applicable to organizations and individuals. In this reflection, I would like to highlight what I learned of business and individual taxation, the experience on working with a group for the project and what challenges I faced and how I was able to get past.