There are more than eight million people in the United States that are in the LGBT, which stands for (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community. All of those people want to marry who they want and have the same rights as anyone else. Gay marriage rights should be legal because it will make LGBT families more stable, create a non-discriminated society, and more children could be adopted.
The first reason it should be legal is that it will make LGBT families more stable. Children raised by same-sex parents had fewer social problems than heterosexual raised children. This proves that same-sex parents are just as capable as heterosexual parents. Same-sex families are usually made by either adoption or surrogacy. It ends up costing tons of money, but to them it is worth it. For them to take a child who has no one to care for them is amazing.
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Eventually it will bring down the high rate of hatred in the world. Gay marriage rights could change how people look and treat one another. We hope that one-day no one will judge one another based on their religion, race, or even life choices. The LGBT community is discriminated against every day for just being themselves. All people should be able to express themselves however they want without judgment. The last reason gay marriage rights will change is letting more kids be adopted into loving homes. Many children do not get adopted for, there are not enough people in the world to care for them. A while ago, states kept gay men and women from adopting and fostering children. Even now many states still keep children away from same-sex couples, and continue to say they must be married to adopt or foster children. It is unfair to withhold children from loving families who can take care of them. The United States has 115,000 children that are waiting to be adopted and
Same-sex marriage should be marriage because everyone is equal, love is always right, and people have a right to choose their own soulmates. First, equality is a basic right, which means everyone should get the same treatment. The restriction against same-sex marriage is an offense to the dignity of lesbians and gays, because it limits the range of relationship options open to them (Mello). The limit of same-sex marriage is against homosexuals to enjoy the same right as heterosexuals. It is not fair for homosexual to get the different treatment. There is a law to declare that legalizing homosexual marriage is to achieve the basis of equality come true. (Albertson).
Gay marriage should be legal because as woman and man, all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because love matters and it does not differ in nature according to the sex of its object or the person who experiences it.
Same sex marriages have both pros and cons. With this issue, it seems society is more concerned about the physical and moral issues behind it. Same sex partners are trying to seek the same benefits as heterosexual couples. By keeping the DOMA in effect in all states, same sex partners will be
There’s a big chance that someone bought this book mainly because of this chapter. It can be your own case reading this now. You may be hungry to know how to cast some spells to bring back the love of your life and you’ll know it, but first, I must say there’s no such thing like Love Spell. Love is the most beautiful feeling a human can have and it happens naturally. Love spells is about forcing someone to like you, changing someone’s life. This is not love, this is persuasion and manipulation. And this is why love spells belong to the category of black magic. When you change someone’s life for your own benefit or for the benefit of others without his or her consent, you’re doing black magic. And you may thinking, what’s the problem? Well,
I support same-sex marriage because I see no valid arguments against it. The majority of arguments against gay marriage are based on religious perspective. In the United States, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees separation of church and state. Therefore, religion should not have a place in either the formulation or implementation of legislation, including questions of who has the right to get married in this country.
As the case with various arguments, there are all whom will take the "slippery slope" argument approach in their reasoning for the banning of gay marriage. A "slippery slope" argument is a point in which one thing happening will lead to another thing happening, triggering a domino effect of negative consequences from one single action. In this case, the argument at hand would be that along with the legalization of gay marriage comes the allowing of bestial marriage, polygamy, and many other wrongs (Bidstrup). This tactic of scaring people of accepting the beneficial consequences of one rational decision is absurd. In countries where gay marriage is legal, there has been no talk of any such changes or disgusting tendencies. In many Scandinavian countries where same sex marriages are allowed, society has remained sound (Bidstrup). If anything, marriages between criminals and those who lack morals would lead towards the anarchy that would occur with bestial marriages and polygamy. Those who have homosexual preferences do not share any of the same moral defects as do the criminals that can wed freely. Society needs to open their eyes to the normality of homosexuality and the benefits of gay marriage will be exposed.
As of Nov. 20, 2014, in 35 states it is legal to marry someone of the same sex; leaving 15 states where it still isn't (1). Hold this in mind. A majority of people look forward to growing up and accomplishing their dreams. Some of whom marriage is a big part of their dream. Dreams of starting a new family and to forbid two people who love each other to marry is immoral. Therefore anyone straight, lesbian, or gay should have the right to marry.
Gay marriage should be legal because as woman and man, all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because love matters and it does not differ in nature according to the sex of its object or the person who experiences it.
4. Gay marriage allows both gay partners to have equal rights and they get access to the benefits for married couples. Earlier, gay couples could not enjoy any of those since they were not even recognized as couples by the state or country. The couple is able to access all of the same marital benefits as their straight counterparts. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples who are able to marry can receive the same tax breaks that straight couples do and are also able to adopt children. Married LGBT couples can access the same assistance as heterosexual couples and are afforded the same amount of protection
Why should it be legal because it's unfair for gay marriage or in general women. People who can’t get married of gay marriage are suffering because of people who think equality right should be illegal and they have a hard time. As well for women
Gay marriage should be made legal because it is a human right and not a privilege. In 1950 interracial marriage was illegal, yet now modern society understands that it was a law that denied equal rights to couples who loved each other. This principle also applies to gay people because denying human rights to a specific section of society (i.e. the homosexual community) is discriminatory. ( 2015). The section of same sex couples in Australia are also increasing annually by drastic levels (as shown in the graph in the appendix) and so it would be common sense to openly include gay couples in the law. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2013).
The approval of same sex marriages has changed over the years. The percentage rate has went from 27 to a huge jump up at 60 percent. The other great things that same sex marraiges have are cute little familes. Same sex couples have been able to give a loving child a home. Same sex marraiges have a huge success rate of raising a child. Same sex marriages are also able to be a good work force amost other people and they're not discriminated against. They can be in a union to get the same benefits as a heterosexual couple. That is great. Now that they can get the same benefits as regular couples then that mean that they are able to provide for their own
Nobody likes to be judged but it is not thought about when people discriminate against LGB people. When this becomes legal in a state that means the schools have the right to teach about it. Although, some parents may not like that it teaches students at a young age that it is okay to like what you like and there is no reason to be ashamed of the person you are. This also increases self-confidence and self-respect not only for those who like the same sex but every person. If this is taught at schools at a young age it will become what is known to be “normal”. This being a normal thing, bullying levels everywhere will decrease a drastic amount. There are reports of suicides by kids not even in high school because of them being bullied therefore, suicide amounts will also decrease. State by state the bad effects of gay marriage will be decreased and the good will be increased. States are in competition to bed better than one another. If one state’s bullying and suicide levels went down this will competition states to try to decrease the levels as well. Same-sex marriage makes up a huge part of this world. It also contributes to many good and bad conflicts that have happened. Legalizing same-sex marriage will change the world for the
In this country there is a flawed assumption that gay people enjoy the same civil right protections as everyone else and there are a lot of stereotypes about gay relationships. Living as a gay individual in this country can be extremely overwhelming and scary. When it comes to marriage between gay couples, controversy is bound to turn up. There are numerous arguments as to why gay marriage is not “right” such as; it offends everything religion stands for, marriage is for procreation, and gay
As the society changing, the history of marriage also changes. Marriage is legally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship, but do those two partners always have to be a man and a woman? Most people believe that homosexuals should be granted equal rights as heterosexual couples. Being as an important social issue, same-sex marriage has become a hot topic of public debates in the recent years. For over the past decade, public support for the same-sex marriage has quickly risen. The United States is one of over twenty countries that allow gay and lesbian couples to wed. I believe that same-sex marriage should be legalized in all countries for several reasons, such as being an issue of equal rights, separation of church and state, no negative effect on the heterosexual communities, increasing in child adoption, and decreasing divorce and suicide rates.