I currently do not have a clear idea of what career or even business field I want to work in. I am double majoring in Financial Management and Accounting to help maximize my career opportunities and flexibility. I do enjoy accounting but I am not sure I want to take the public accountant route which will force my life to revolve entirely around work as a result of the long hours and high replacement rates. I am taking my first finance class this semester, but I do not have enough experience at this point to know what part of finance I would enjoy pursuing or even all of the areas of finance that I could explore. With this uncertainty, my primary goal right now is to continue to perform well in school and graduate in May, 2017. At that point, and depending on my current job position, I may pursue a Master’s Degree in the 11-month MBA program at the University of Colorado Denver’s Business School. I hope that between my experience there and my GPA I will have a foot in the door and better chances for success. Until that point, I will continue to improve on the qualities which have been working on my whole life – confidence in my abilities outside of the classroom and willingness to take risks and new ventures.
The behavior which I think that I need to improve on the most is confidence in my own abilities. Lack of self-confidence causes a myriad of other issues such as feeling the need to ensure perfection before finalizing a task, spending more time on tasks that
Some people’s thoughts today with Donald Trump as our new president are additionally, related with the past president, Andrew Jackson. Along with that, there are some minor differences to put them apart but Donald trump is certainly our present-day Andrew Jackson. Based off the New York Times Donald trump and Andrew Jackson both style themselves as “a man of the people”, but the differences still stand. Furthermore, one difference is that Trump is present day and Jackson is past day but the similarities between them are still around.
Pamelia E. Brott, an associate professor of counselor education at Virginia Tech with a Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education at the University of North Carolina, wrote the article “A Career Story Approach to Management, Business, and Financial Occupations”. The article discusses what the future outlook is on business, while giving a personal story on how to achieve a good future outlook in the field. The target audience deals with business majors in general, with some specific majors in mind. Searching for something to do for the remainder of one’s life requires a lot of thinking, which produces a large amount of stress and uncertainty. For one to be able to pick a career that he or she will find a passion for many years will never be
“Desire, a sense of longing for something or someone that is unbearable to live without. A craving that can only be fulfilled by the one thing that caused it. In The Great Gatsby, desire is the one urge that many of the characters could never overcome. The Great Gatsby is a well written novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald where a midwesterner named Nick Carraway gets lured into the lavish and elegant life style of his enigmatic neighbor, Jay Gatsby. As the story unravels, Nick Carraway begins to see through Gatsby's suave facade, only to find a desperate, heartbroken and lonely man who just wanted to relive the past with his one and only desire. This sensational love story takes place during the well known“Roaring Twenties.” This wild era for many Americans was about the rise of a consumer culture, the growth of cities, and the upsurge of mass entertainment. The time period also consisted of the ban on the importation, production, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages, which was known as prohibition. The Great Gatsby illustrates how desire can influence major life decisions.
Ariana Price is a 19 year old female who lives in Dublin, California along her best friend Ashley Jacobs. Ariana Price is a 5’2 brunette with a slim figure. Ariana loves to travel around the world and prefers not to stay in one place for long periods of time. Ariana prefers the outdoors rather than being locked indoors. Her best friend Ashley is a little different and prefers to stay indoors and does not like traveling as much but she likes to hike when she is in the mood. One day Ashley was feeling like going to Napa, California and thought that Ariana would love it as well. So she brought it to her attention “Hey Ari, I think that since we haven’t gone anywhere in a while I thought that we should go to Napa! You know? The Wine Country.” Ariana thought about it for a while and then finally made up her mind. “Sure why not? I was going to ask you about it anyways and also I found this great place to hike if you are up for it.” said Ariana. Ashley then said in a very happy tone “Yeah, sure I have been wanting to go hiking but never really got the chance to go. “Well hurry up and get dressed we are gonna leave soon! It’s not that far, it is only about an hour away from us” said Ariana. “Ok Ariana, calm down, let me go get ready and then we can go. Oh and what is this hiking place called anyways?” Ariana had forgotten the place so she looked on the internet for popular hiking trails and finally found the park she was looking for. “The park is Skyline Wilderness park and they
In the fall of 2012, I enrolled in North Hennepin Community College to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Accounting consequently awakening my thirst for learning. Majoring in accounting was an easy choice since I had a background in bookkeeping and I have always enjoyed working with numbers. My goal when I first enrolled in North Hennepin was to acquire an Associate’s Degree, and join the workforce, however, as I progressed closer to finishing my course there, I realized I wanted a Bachelors’ Degree since I enjoyed challenging myself and learning material that was critical to my career.
In the fall of 2012, I enrolled in North Hennepin Community College to pursue an Associate’s Degree in Accounting and my thirst for learning was awakened. I chose accounting because I previously had a background in bookkeeping and I have always enjoyed working with numbers. My goal when I first enrolled in North Hennepin was to acquire an Associate’s Degree, and join the workforce, however as I got closer to finishing my course there I realized I wanted a Bachelors’ Degree because I enjoyed challenging myself and learning material that was critical to my career.
I will be attending Mississippi State University and majoring in business; in hopes of becoming a personal financial advisor. While attending college, I plan to gain a vast number of tools to guide myself and others to a greater financial state. I also plan to become a certified educator because in our area the occupation is vital to the development of our youth. Benjamin Franklin said, “An investment in knowledge
I transferred to the University of Texas last semester in hopes to walk in and make impeccable grades and move my way into the McCombs School of Business. Much to my surprise, my first semester grades fell short of what was needed to even be a competitive applicant for entry to the school. My parents set me up to first receive a practical degree, such as business, then move on to law school. Coming to the end of my sophomore year, where all second-year students must declare a major, I became very lost and scared of what I was to do next. Practically, I always had the backup plan to study economics in the College of Liberal Arts if I didn’t get into McCombs, but when that time came, I knew that economics was not in my heart. Around this time
I am interested in pursuing a degree in business because there are a variety of job opportunities within the field. My parents also owned their own business, which was the main reason I wanted to pursue a business degree. I was inspired by their work ethics, and how they overcame their struggles and obtained success within their business and recognition in society. Originally, my major was in management. However, I have recently become more interested in an ISOM major after attending an Ask the Professionals event. This is because ISOM combines both business skills and IT skills to give you a unique skill set that is highly sought after in the current job market. My ideal job upon graduation would be working in a company like Freddie Mac where I can utilize my knowledge and work within a team setting.
My background in economics has provided me with an excellent basis from which to start my advanced studies in finance. My critical thinking skills come from various micro and macro economic courses. My math and problem solving skills come from courses such as Econometrics, Statistics and Calculus. Also, I developed my computer skills through course such as computer science and learnt how to use statistics and econometrics software such as Eviews and Stata. For that matter, I think my undergraduate degree has prepared me with complete set of skills to deal with various situations and provided me with the tools needed to think critically and analytically. All these factors helped me to create a very strong foundation, capitalizing on which I intend to pursue an MSc in Finance as my postgraduate degree.
As an individual, I have always aspired to higher education at university as I have a positive and committed attitude to learning new things. The idea of moving on from school life and taking on the challenge of a degree course provides me with motivation and determination to succeed. From studying at university, I intend to develop my personal characteristics and skills and learn to apply the knowledge I gain to pursue a career in an accounting or financial profession.
In country where schools are becoming increasingly diverse and the teachers are becoming less diverse, the author writes about how teachers can better convey and accept culture in the classroom. Currently prejudice, stereotypes and cultural assumptions are present in classrooms but are ineffectively met by educators. The author attributes these problems to children of color and low economic situations are a result of miscommunication within the classroom and teaching staff. One of the major themes of this book is the imbalance of power and how this culture of power is impacting the classroom and the dynamics are in turn damaging our education system. Throughout the book, the author uses interviews, stories, and personal narratives from various cultural backgrounds to display the ineffective process of education for children of color, Native Alaskans, and children from low economic status. She claims that educators are making assumptions about these students’ motivation, capabilities, and integrity. The author uses her own experiences to shape her personal beliefs about education. She wants to understand education through various contexts and insights. By putting herself into different situations she is able to discover different realities.
Around the end of my sophomore year, I see myself narrowing down a career choice. After taking many different courses during previous years here at Bryant, I see that I finally figure out my purpose and I am confident with my specific decision. As this realization hits, I see myself getting into and working hard in graduate school in order to further my studies before entering the work force.
After attaining a degree in business studies, my career options will grow. Within the next five years, I can see two attractive options available:
During my sophomore year in high school, I made up my mind, I wanted to study business. My uncle owns his own business, he took me to work with him one day ever since then I have been in love with the concept of being your own boss. Although I didn’t really understood at the time what the job required or was about. The environment felt so natural and positive. As I got older and started looking more into it really felt like something suited for me that is why I choose this career. My major is Business Management and my dream job is to become a Management Analyst. A bachelor degree is needed for entry level job as a management analyst, however most employers prefer to hire management analyst who has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA). Psychology is one of the required courses needed to get a business management, the others are Accounting, Intro Contemporary Business, business law, principles of marketing, public speaking, Principles of Sociology, Intro to Computer