
Why I Should Be Banned

Decent Essays

IGN Laqured Previous IGN Laq_ Time zone EDT Rank Grand Age 15 Status of previous applications: Yes, I have applied four times in total. Have you ever been banned? Yes, I was banned for "advertising", however it was a false ban since it was a typo and I was later unbanned by James. Qualities I can bring: The qualities I believe a staff member should possess are the qualities I can bring to the staff team which could benefit the staff team are that I can bring responsibility, loyalty, justice and trust. I have the quality which is best needed to be staff is that I have excellent communication skills. I am also bilingual, meaning I can speak different which can help me communicate better with people whose main language isn't English. I act with integrity, honesty and knowledge that can help players in times of their need, issues and concerns. I maintain a calm demeanor during periods of high tension or unusual events to keep server operating and to set a positive example for the players and staff team. I contribute to positive team environment by recognizing problem or changes in partner morale and performance and communicating them to higher staff. …show more content…

Other qualities I can bring to Omega are that I am honest, cooperative, efficient, organized and patient. I believe these qualities that I possess could help make Omega Realm enjoyable for all players. I have the ability to learn quickly, the ability to understand and carry out written instructions and request clarification when needed. I have strong interpersonal skills, the ability to work as part of a team and the ability to build relationships. I also have good judging skills or evaluating skills that can help if opinions are

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