
Essay about Why I Support Sex Education

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Sex education should be increased in schools. If students are educated about the effects sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having children at an early age. Knowledge about sex also lessens the chance of kids receiving STDS. First of all, the main reason children have sex prematurely is because they are curious. Students lack knowledge about sex because they haven’t been taught about it, however, when children know the consequences behind their actions and the risks they are taking they are less likely to want to have sex. If we take the time out to show kids what it is like to take care of a child as a teenager or show them AIDS victims or things of that matter, they are much less likely to want indulge in sexual …show more content…

In addition, unprotected sex is the result of many STDS and causes millions of deaths. Millions of people die from AIDS and some are living with other venereal diseases that are reaping havoc on their lives. But if kids have no knowledge about these things, how can we expect them to know any better. In addition, another thing students need to be educated on is a teenage pregnancy. There are so many young mothers and young fathers who have no idea what they have gotten themselves into. When kids become sexually active they don’t think about the negative results of their actions, they just live in the moment. If students are educated about the burden of carrying and taking care of a child they might think twice about having sex. One way to show children how hard it is to raise a child as a teenager is to bring in teenage parents to attest to the fact that parenting a child as a teen is not easy. They can tell them about the excruciating pain they went through, and how hard the process of having a child is. Many teenage parents have no social life and are forced to grow up quickly because they have to bear the responsibility of taking care of a child. If students have knowledge about these kinds of things they are less likely to repeat others mistakes. The teenage pregnancy also affects the parents of the teens as well. Not many parents will force their teenage child to raise a child by themselves. When a teen becomes pregnant that’s one more

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