
Why I Want To Attend GPA

Decent Essays
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I am confident that my increase is related to the discovery of my passion in the law, and my focus on this discipline. This passion led me to join the “Legal Studies Option,” a sub-discipline offered by my university that will appear on my degree. This option requires me to take compulsory courses like constitutional law and theories of justice, while allowing me to take interesting electives that will benefit my legal career like legal writing and business ethics. This sub-discipline has provided me with the opportunity to study a variety of legal areas, each of which I have enjoyed applying my multi-disciplinary academic experience, as seen above in my paper on Tweens and advertising …show more content…

My initial career aspirations are to return to Canada, and have my degree accredited for future Canadian practice. To this end, I will be able to use my experience studying in the UK to benefit the quality of my legal practice from an international perspective, and apply it to areas of the law that interest me, like criminal litigation and defence. The opportunity to study in the UK is most appealing to me because it allows me to become immersed in a deeply historic legal culture, to which much of my country’s legal system is based on. In addition to this, I am able to gain perspective by traveling during my studies, as well as connecting with family in the area. I am most excited to work with colleagues from other backgrounds, and share my perspective with them, whether they be international or domestic students With this opportunity to study the UK, I would be active in the legal community through events and activities held by the school, looking to make the most of my

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