
Why I Want To Be A School Principal

Decent Essays

School principals go through the school and supervise the students and teachers to make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to and following guidelines. School principals assign teachers to certain things based on their education and hire teachers and other employee's as needed. They sit in class rooms and evaluate their teaching skills to be sure they are using approved teaching methods. They deal with conflicts that students may face with teachers or even other students. They make the teachers schedules and their duty schedules. They have to attend sporting events or any school extra circular activities (School). I will have to go to college to get my master's degree or bachelor's degree if I were to work at a private school, I will be working in an office and around the school, and jobs for being a school principal are expected to open up about 6% or as fast as average.
As a school principal I would have to make …show more content…

I could take any general education classes to get me prepared for being a school principal. Some training I could do to get me prepared for being a school principal is, offer to assist teachers with jobs, teach Sunday school classes, get a summer job as a camp counselor or day care center aid, working with a scouting group, volunteering to coach a youth athletic team, or tutoring younger students (School). I should be mentally strong and be good at reading, writing, and speaking. I will have to get along with the students, parents, teachers, and anyone else working in the school. I should be good at listening, be fair towards every situation, and I should enjoy being around people. I will have to be good at keeping secrets and never tell who gave me the information. I will have to become better at my writing, reading, and grammar. Something I will succeed at is getting along with everyone, being good at listening, and keeping

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