
Why I Want To Be A Veterinarian Essay

Decent Essays

Veterinarian I chose veterinarian because of my interest in animals, I have always liked to be around dogs, especially black labs and beagles like the dogs that I have at home. Veterinarians play a role in society by playing critical roles such as food safety for animals , environmental protection, research and public health. Veterinarians work with the EPA ( Environmental protection agency) also they work with the FDA ( Food and drug administration ) to make sure that dogs are getting the proper nutrition in dog food and to make sure dogs are not being invested with pesticides and other types of diseases. I have chosen veterinarian so that I can help animals that are in need of help and because I am very interested in learning all the different types of medicines for all type of animal breeds and animal behavior and the anatomy of animals and how to do
Veterinarian and do and the learning that goes into all of it.
Education and training
To be a vet you will need to earn a doctor degree in veterinary medicine (DVM) and obtain a professional license in your state. The minimum requirements in this job are to go to college and take classes related to veterinary medicine and maintain a very high GPA and hopefully you will get accepted into veterinary school, which is a very competitive program, than you will study veterinary …show more content…

Veterinarians are well respected members of the community and whilst their animal health role is recognized it is sometimes not so clear as to their animal welfare role. Veterinarians are one of many stakeholders with an interest in animal welfare and in many instances can get shouldered aside. Nevertheless they are uniquely placed to be the animal's advocate and should in most circumstances play a leadership role. It is a matter of regret to me that this does not necessarily

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