
Why I Want To Read?

Decent Essays

Since I was a younger girl, I have had reading in my home. My earliest memory of reading was when I was about ten or eleven years old, I started getting to Lurlene Mcdaniel books. All of her books were about love and would usually end tragically is death. I still do not know why I loved reading these books, but I remember going with my mom to the library and almost finishing my book before she was ready to leave. I read almost every single one of her books at that time. I also had some stories being read to me when I was younger but that was rare in my family.
My parents are both very educated with Doctorates and still continuing to go to school. They are both very intelligent and they love to read. Every time my parents were not busy, I would see them reading. My dad is a pastor so he spends his days reading in the office. I never understood how they could read so much. I had a great example of reading growing up and my parents always encouraged me to read, even when I did not want to. I wish I could remember specific stories about growing up in this environment but I from adulthood that …show more content…

The school I attended previously was a small private Christian school and the school that I transferred to was a big public school. Every single year after that, sometimes even twice a year, I went to a different school until I went to 10th grade. Since we moved so often, I feel I did not get the best education that I could have. This is also the point that I stopped reading because I had to be able to fit in at my new schools and it was not cool to read. Time progressed and in middle school, I started to hate reading. I used to have to read a certain amount of books a quarter and take tests on them. Sadly to say, I never really got into it. High school was the same problem, I hated reading. Until very recently, I did not read at all. As I have gotten older, I have come to appreciate reading and how it is beneficial to

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