
Why Is Coffee Good For You Essay

Decent Essays

Is Coffee good for you. 100% coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world today. But let me just first talk about why coffee can be good for you and then also, why it can be bad for you. For starters, one of the biggest reasons why coffee is beneficial is because it contains massive amounts of antioxidants. You know, one of the things that we're exposed to all around the world today is large levels of toxicity. So antioxidants can really help and slow the aging process, it can help protect yourselves against free radical damage. Coffee is actually one of the five highest foods in antioxidants in the world today. So again, coffee, incredible in terms of its antioxidants. Also, coffee increases circulation and can stimulate the …show more content…

But, if you're already generally healthy or let's say you just struggle with some circulation issues or you're trying to support the brain and you don't have autoimmune disease or any type of thyroid or adrenal issue. In that case, consuming coffee in moderate amounts can be fine and even good for your health. Now, when you're consuming coffee, you need to consume it in the morning or before lunch. Because what happens, if you start drinking it in the afternoon or especially in the evening, the life of coffee and the caffeine and how long it will affect your body can be around 12 hours. If you're consuming it in the afternoon, it can definitely affect your sleep cycle that night. Not just you falling asleep, but your overall quality of sleep while you're trying to sleep that night. So again, is coffee good? Is it bad? The truth is, coffee, it just really depends on your body. It depends on if you have one of these conditions, coffee can make it worse. Versus if you're looking for a little bit of a pick me up, you're going to do it earlier in the day, you need more antioxidants and circulation, for those reasons, coffee can have some of those major health benefits. And when buying coffee, here's the other

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