
Why Is Ethos Important To Persuasive Speech?

Satisfactory Essays

2.) I think that ethos is the most important rhetorical proof to have for a persuasive speech. If you don’t have ethos or “credibility of the speaker”(Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking) then how will your audience be persuaded if they can’t believe you or know that you are credible.
While all of the rhetorical proofs would be good to have in any persuasive speech ethos would be a game changer if you didn’t have it. Right off the bat no one would believe you and your audience you stop listening to your speech if you didn’t establish credibility during the first part of your speech.

Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30, 2016, from
This website explains the rhetorical proofs meanings. This website also explains the background and history of the three rhetorical proofs. …show more content…

3.) “A false analogy is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone applies facts from one situation to another situation but the situations are substantially different and the same conclusions cannot logically be drawn”(false analogy). So, if you are talking about two events and their properties don’t align then you have a false analogy.
If we have false analogies it is harder for the audience to understand what you are talking about or it might make the audience ignore parts of your speech. It is easy to have a false analogy because you might not even realize you have one because “real-world parallels are always limited; the differences between things can often overpower their similarities”(false analogy).

False analogy. (n.d.). Retrieved July 30,

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