Gaia’s importance to S.T.O.R.M
Most groups consist of 2 majors characters: the leader of the group and the intelligent one. The others may not be considered as, as important as the rest . In the book S.T.O.R.M., Gaia may be seen as the unimportant figure. This statement is inaccurate. Yes, Gaia may not be the official leader of the group. It would also be inaccurate to give her the title of the intelligence of the group. Though it doesn't necessarily mean that she does not display these characteristics. Unlike Will and Andrew, Gaia equally portrays both intelligence and bravery. A perfect balance that makes her a major member of the group. Gaia's intelligence, courage and persistence allow her to be essential to STORM.
Gaia’s most visable
In the nineteenth century novel, The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes different origins of allusions and archetypes to emphasize how individuals in order to encourage individuals to forgive sins and work towards redemption.
During ancient Greece, Athena was considered to be one of the most powerful and influential gods of that time. The Greek goddess Athena is the goddess of war and wisdom, she is the balance between intellect and power. Ancient Greek civilizations shaped their gods into the images that they felt could portray their desired identity; to the Greeks Athena embodied everything they sought to have, wisdom, power, and the need for justice. To this day Athena is still regarded as the symbol for wisdom. In the 21st century the mark that Athena left over 2000 years ago is still very much relevant.
Pallas Athena and Wonder Woman have shown what their abilities truly are. “It is a relief to watch a woman fight back” (Lepore Web). They can do anything to defend themselves and others. Even though they had this skill they wouldn’t take advantage of it, they took no pleasure from battling. “Athena also has a great set of associations with heroes and heroines than other deity” (Deacy Web). This conveys that she connects to heroes because she was the Greek Virgin Goddess of reason; she was prepared to help anyone in desperate times. Both were blessed with abilities that opened ignorant minds about women having the capacity to fight for injustice.
The significant idea in this movie that anybody should be able to be a leader, male or not, that means that the leader should not necessarily have to be a male it can be a female too, because females are equally competent and can be just as proficient at being a leader as males can. For example, in this movie 12-year-old Paikea Apirana was far from what he Grandfather, Koro Apirana, wanted for a leader for his traditional Māori tribe (Ngati Konohi) because of one thing, she was a girl. She would be a perfect leader, she was smart, charismatic, determined, courageous, fluent in Te Reo Māori and strong. These attributes are present throughout the story and is displayed in many different scenes in the movie. But just because of the simple fact that she is born female she is constrained with her opportunities.
Women living in Ancient Greece had limited rights, if any, and were treated as property, owned by either their father or husband. They were never allowed to enter battle and their job was to keep to household in order. However, in Greek stories, women were given a major role and showed strength, wit, and cunning unusual to the stereotypical woman of the time. The Greek writers used women who possessed these traits to progress the plot and evoke the emotions famous in Greek drama and tragedies.
Most people think gods are more superior than goddesses, when in fact goddesses can be just as great as gods. One goddess who is more superior, Athena, the goddess of war. Athena was a tough female goddess, who always fought for harmony and justice in the world. Athena, being the goddess of war, never liked the thought of battle, she only fought when it was necessary. The city of Athens was named after Athena, so many citizens of Athens adore her. She was an incredibly tough and helpful goddess. An example of her helpfulness was shown when she helped Odysseus on his journey home. Therefore, the goddess of war, Athena, was an essential character in the study of Greek mythology.
Women empowerment is one of the largest standing issues in society today. Women being mistreated or viewed differently from men has been a problem for as long as anyone can remember. In both The Great Gatsby and My Antonia the women are viewed differently in both social classes. Being rich and poor, both had its advantages and its disadvantages. Due to women's social classes, different actions are viewed differently, and the outcomes were exceedingly different. Women in social classes were both viewed, treated and ended up dissimilar from each other. Both Antonia and Daisy faced different challenges throughout the book, clearly seeing the contrasting outcomes.
Herodotus’ introduction of Artemisia in his book posits that her resemblance to the Athenians in terms of valor and her contribution to the navy are the reasons why Herodotus mentions her despite the exclusion of those in the same class as her.
In the Great Gatsby, women play a significant role and are the central focus. Their character is very subordinate. Their characters are mainly described as decorative figures of fragile beauty. However, they are often egotistical, ruthless, destructive and vain. They are not capable of intellectual or artistic or idealism interests (Bloom 42). They also do not express passion. In Great Gatsby, three women have played a very vital role; these are; Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and Myrtle Wilson (Fitzgerald 9).
In the Great Gatsby, they’re three main women you will follow throughout the story. Their names are Daisy, Jordan and Myrtle. Daisy married a rich man named Tom Buchanan but have feelings for another man named Jay Gatsby. Jordan is a single rich golf player with a bachelorette way of living and Myrtle is the mistress of Buchanan in a unhappy, poor marriags.
Throughout the year’s science and technology has advanced in ways that would make you believe the next step is that we all are going to be living like the Jetsons. You have artificial intelligence, which is slowly giving people a run for their money and showing that robots will soon be in the future. With all these advances in science, you have advances in genetic engineering and the film Gattaca gave a glimpse of a future where genetic engineering is the forefront of reproducing and discrimination. At first glance, you get the idea that the film is about a better world with genetic engineering and the effects that come along with it, but I got a different impression from watching it a second time. The film argues against the use of genetic engineering because the film is
Aradia had never deemed herself a leader. Before Serbsy, she was a bit of a loner, a person who never really had a cause to believe in. She could even go as far as calling herself selfish during her life, only ever wrapped up with the issues in her own head and most favours only carried out for her own
Why is learning about Ancient Greece important? To me, I think Ancient Greece has left many legacies. They have created a great democracy, literature, and mythology. Greece is such a fascinating culture, so it keeps kids on their toes! Overall, Ancient Greek should be recognized!
“Cloning is a return to asexual reproduction and bypasses the caprice of the genetic lottery and random shuffling of genes” (Hardy, Pg.3). Cloning is taking DNA from another organism and inserting the DNA into anther organism, so they look and act the same. Cloning can lead to many terrible problems such as, early death, rights issues, and devaluing human life.
Because the Greek culture and places a large emphasis on heritage and history, including women with essential positions in creation myths, allowed them to prove their free and powerful status in Greek mythology. One essential character