
Why Is Gaia Important To S. T. Rm

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Gaia’s importance to S.T.O.R.M
Most groups consist of 2 majors characters: the leader of the group and the intelligent one. The others may not be considered as, as important as the rest . In the book S.T.O.R.M., Gaia may be seen as the unimportant figure. This statement is inaccurate. Yes, Gaia may not be the official leader of the group. It would also be inaccurate to give her the title of the intelligence of the group. Though it doesn't necessarily mean that she does not display these characteristics. Unlike Will and Andrew, Gaia equally portrays both intelligence and bravery. A perfect balance that makes her a major member of the group. Gaia's intelligence, courage and persistence allow her to be essential to STORM.

Gaia’s most visable

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