It has come to my attention that cursive is very important to our nation, it was even used to write the declaration of independents so if we did not learn how read cursive are nation would be in chaos we would have no rules. In my opinion, I think that cursive should be taught. First of all cursive writing is also used for many things like signing our names, next cursive writing was also used in are most historical events. Lastly cursive writing also gives are brain physical qualities that normal print does not. First of all cursive writing is used to write are name. When we become adults, it is a priority to know how to write in cursive. Also when you get your first job and you to want make a good appearance, you can write in cursive. Whenever you are signing a paper like getting a car they
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Like cursive was used by our founding fathers if people did not know how to read cursive, then we would not be able to read the declaration of independents and are whole country would be in chaos. Christopher Columbus also used cursive to write down his vogues and that he found out that the world is not flat. Cursive was also used by our presidents in the US like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. There are many presidents that wrote in cursive, there are many laws that the presidents in the US that wrote in cursive to pass laws. Furthermore, cursive gives your brain physical quality that normal print that does not. Scientists say that if you learn how to write in cursive than, that will help your brain to learn in a different way. Learning cursive also helps ease dyslexia. Cursive writing also gives the writer a time to express their feelings and that computers do not. Something pretty cool is that cursive may also help you when you are playing an instrument. Neuroscientists say that if a kid learns how to write cursive later on in their lives they will be a highly good reader and a good
The article’s, “Is It Time for Cursive to Die?”, written by Lauren Tarshis, and “Why I Keep My Letters”, written by Nina Sankovitch, both agree with different sides when it comes to us humans keeping cursive or not. Despite both articles giving good evidence to support their claim, I have come to the conclusion that the form of writing cursive should be preserved, not forgotten. One reason they cursive should not be forgotten is because of the history that comes from it. For instance, the article states, “Thomas Jefferson penned one of our country’s most famous documents, the Declaration of Independence, in glorious cursive” (Tarshis 19). This piece of evidence shows how some of the most important events in history used cursive, showing how
In the article, “Why We Shouldn’t Write Off Cursive” by Bobby George and June George, talks about cursive. The authors argue how cursive should be taught in school and should be considered more valuable. Right now, 45 states has omitted cursive from the required school curricula. I remember when I studied in a private school at India, we had to learn cursive. It was not an optional, it was a must and we were pretty much was graded on how neat/good you write it. Personally, I think cursive is very neat, elegant, and rich looking and I believe it helps you get a good handwriting too.
Did you know cursive takes away core subjects like Math and Reading? Well, it does and that’s bad because that means you could make you less smart. In my opinion, cursive writing should not be taught today. First, it takes too much time. Second, it’s frustrating for parents. Lastly, you can gain a life skill because cursive might be easy for you when you grow up.
Through the years, many people have stated that cursive should not be taught in schools. Reading historical documents, personalization, and brain function involves cursive. Cursive writing definitely has a place in our digital society.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you didn't have cursive, at ALL? Cursive should still be taught in school. Cursive can help you with your reading and writing skills. In fact, it can also help you read cursive. Mainly, if you can't write in cursive, you can't fill out documents and bills when you get older. I hope after you read my paper you will want to keep cursive too!
When you are writing in cursive you act a physical way that elevated your intelligent and sharing. Those people that got a higher score on writing in cursive the experts believe that the speed and the ability to allowed them to focus on the essay. People
I agree that the United Sate should should have cursive writting as an extra curriculum. First, it provide better understanding of the material being teach, it can also help the student to develop and stimulate a better moto-skill. Also it helps students with medical conditions to have another acces to writting. Finally, we are still bringing a cultural tradition learn from centuries.
One cool thing about cursive is that cursive can help people communicate with all generations. I had started learning cursive when I was in 3rd grade. I personally think learning cursive was really exciting too. Also cursive can boost creativity. Help people develop a signature, which is a standard requirement as an adult. And is 50% literacy. In my opinion, I believe that cursive should still be taught in school.
If schools teach cursive, then students will be able to read historic documents. For instance Christopher Columbus wrote about his adventures in America in cursive. Also Thomas Jefferson wrote one of the most important document, the Declaration of Independence in impressive cursive Secondly if you get a Christmas, Birthday, or just a holiday card from your grandparent you would be able to read it yourself. Another example is that if you’re going through your grandparent or great-grandparents belongings, if there are notes or papers they will probably be in cursive, and instead of giving the letter to your parent you will be able to read it yourself. In the past, when people wrote in quills and bottles of ink, people would use cursive because it helped with less broken quills and fewer ink
I personally love writing in cursive and feel as if it is good for our minds. It helps our imagination by coming up with all sorts of different fonts for cursive. It also helps the brain become stronger, and it also helps with dyslexia. As it says in the first article, paragraph 2, Writing by hand helps remember ideas, rather than typing. I agree. Writing in cursive involves using both sides of your brain, which as been proven to be good for our minds.
Cursive is a neat way to write letters and other things.It looks better then regular hand writing.Cursive is also a good style for tattoos.I strongly feel that Cursive is a powerful brain tool.
Cursive has infact been around for centuries. Although technology has evolved tremedously, causing more students in high school and college to type instead write, I personally believe cursive is an important factor. I have always loved to write in cursive when I was in high school. Taking notes was one of my favorite things to do in school because I could make it my own. Now, as an adult, mother, and fiance, i use cursive in my daily life. being a mom your always in a rush and when i make lists I usually write in cursive, saving me some time. If I had to chose to type or write I would chose to write. Writing has always been a strong point in my life, my handwriting in high school was my trademark. I always got complimented on my cursive
Cursive writing hasn’t been taught in schools for a while and will result in increased difficulties for students now and in the future. There are many things that involve cursive writing such as writing signatures or reading old documents. I think cursive writing should be taught because cursive inspires creativity, can be used as a tool, and develops motor skills for our brains. In my opinion, because cursive has many benefits, this form of writing should be taught in schools today.
I Remember learning cursive at a young age, I also remember when I was learning it how Stupid I thought it was. However, its not. Cursive is a powerful and beautiful tool that everyone should know, and understand. If you know how to write in cursive belive me you are doing your self a huge favor and if you dont belive me belive this author; “. . .
How ever ther there are those who believe that cursive is useless. Acording to a survey only 37% of handwriting teachers at a conference wrote in cursive. The thought is that is if teachers dont care about cursive why should we.