
Why Is It Important To Be Cursive

Decent Essays


It has come to my attention that cursive is very important to our nation, it was even used to write the declaration of independents so if we did not learn how read cursive are nation would be in chaos we would have no rules. In my opinion, I think that cursive should be taught. First of all cursive writing is also used for many things like signing our names, next cursive writing was also used in are most historical events. Lastly cursive writing also gives are brain physical qualities that normal print does not. First of all cursive writing is used to write are name. When we become adults, it is a priority to know how to write in cursive. Also when you get your first job and you to want make a good appearance, you can write in cursive. Whenever you are signing a paper like getting a car they …show more content…

Like cursive was used by our founding fathers if people did not know how to read cursive, then we would not be able to read the declaration of independents and are whole country would be in chaos. Christopher Columbus also used cursive to write down his vogues and that he found out that the world is not flat. Cursive was also used by our presidents in the US like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. There are many presidents that wrote in cursive, there are many laws that the presidents in the US that wrote in cursive to pass laws. Furthermore, cursive gives your brain physical quality that normal print that does not. Scientists say that if you learn how to write in cursive than, that will help your brain to learn in a different way. Learning cursive also helps ease dyslexia. Cursive writing also gives the writer a time to express their feelings and that computers do not. Something pretty cool is that cursive may also help you when you are playing an instrument. Neuroscientists say that if a kid learns how to write cursive later on in their lives they will be a highly good reader and a good

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