
Why Is It Important To Keep Children From Being Stressful?

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Is your child playing to much video games or watching to much tv and getting out of shape then keep reading Exercise 1.exercise is very important to stay in shape it will keep your heart healthy and help you live longer and being healthy allowing you to live longer than what you would if you ate junk food all the time. 2.At school not all kids go to p.e. so having recess will be there chance to stretch and stay healthy and being healthy helps you live as long as possible but being in a room for a while will not give them a time to stretch. 3.Kids need to have recess to get their vitamin D that way we do not become depressed because being depressed can ruin life for you or a loved one or could lead to them hurting them self. …show more content…

If kids do not go outside and talk to people they will get less and less friend and that will make them depressed and possibly make them become socially awkward and they will be very different leading to being taunted. 2.people need to have human contact to keep them from getting mentally messed with and to keep them from going crazy and end up hurting themselves or someone else or doing really bad things like robbing or something. 3.Kids need time to talk about things like something they seen or done or heard to keep them from talking in class which will make Grades If kids don't have a time to play or any time to just get all the energy out of them they will start playing in class and that will ruin there grades and they will get in trouble more. Playing outside will give your brain a chance to relax or get something of your mind and that could help them get ready for their class which will help their grades because they can focus more 3. If you forgot something recess will be the time to think of what you need and the time to clear your mind so you are ready to learn and you and clearing your mind could help from gaining

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