
Why Is Nightingale Still Alive Today

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If Nightingale were alive today, she would find it strange hospitals exist at all. She regarded them as belonging to a stage of "imperfect civilization", and envisaged their end by the year 2000. Florence would have understood the growth of the primary care movement. Having its roots in her own work, she would have been alarmed by the conditions of acute care evident in some hospitals today. High bed-occupancy rates, the poor hygiene, and the lack of space and of privacy .All of which go against the central tenets of her writings. Furthermore, she would have been astounded by the complacency that accompanied the most recent outbreaks in the UK of the deadly Clostridium difficile. She would have expressed outrage at the failure to alert external authorities to the likely consequences of falling standards and heavy staff cuts. Nightingale's insistence on hand washing as a simple, preventive measure against infections. …show more content…

Caring for the sick has certainly gotten more complicated. Hospitals are understaffed. Budgets are tight. Nurses are not just caring for the sick; they are changing our notion of modern medicine and health care delivery. Nurses are giving TED talks, publishing scientific research, developing mobile medical applications, and actively addressing health care policy. They are collaborating with their colleagues, from social workers and oncologists to hospital administrators and public safety personnel to act as an advocate for the patient. Patient behaviors are also evolving in a digitalized world. Patients are using online resources to research and treat their symptoms. Health and wellness are consistently among the most searched for topics on

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