
Why Is Saying No The Biggest Challenge?

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Why is saying no the biggest challenge??
Well, honestly it’s because people have addictive behaviours.
Nothing good ever comes out from addiction to things like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

The challenge when you have been smoking, drinking or taking drugs for a while and then someone offers you a one of those things when you are trying to quit, it’s going to be irresistible.
Steps to saying no is a challenge, as drugs, alcohol and smokes all have a certain power over you, making you want to run to them.

Saying yes to it is too easy as you don’t even have to be convinced anymore. Saying no means breaking habits and repetitiveness of consuming.

When you are used to smoking, drugs and alcohol, you enjoy it and you feel as if it relaxes you, it …show more content…

“I smoked to feel normal, and if i didn’t have any dope i didn’t feel like i could operate “ Said Adrian from Drug Help. He smoked to feel normal, fit in with “friends” as it became a habit.

He’d go around to his “friends” houses just to have a smoke. But he did realise it was time to stop when he was in rehab, his way of saying no was to seek help. Adrian realised those “friends” he had disappeared as he said no to the drugs. Saying no was one of the hardest things for him as he wasn’t able to cope without it.

Millions of people find it hard to quit, but just because it's a challenge doesnt mean its impossible. I think that saying no is a challenge but nothing in life is ever going to be simple, it takes hard work and dedication to reach where you want to be, just saying no is one of the steps you have to take to go where you can be.

Saying no means breaking habits, addictions, friendships, stopping things you find pleasurable. Saying no also means you have to give up on those friendships as they may be toxic. Breaking habits which may cause aggression, because you were so used to it and just suddenly stopping may make you

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