
Why Is Vaccination Good Or Bad

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To vaccinate or to not vaccinate has always been a huge question for many people. There are many scientific facts explaining why vaccinations are good and why they aren’t. People also have very strong believes to why they are pro or con vaccinations. I have done many research for why people believe that vaccinations are a good thing and why they are a bad thing. There are many proven and unproven facts on why vaccines are good and why they aren't good. To vaccinate or to not vaccinate is a controversial statement because of religion believes, experiences that people have gone through, or because of scientific facts. The main reason why people believe that vaccines are good for our society is because of “Herd Immunity.” Herd Immunity is a believe that if every person gets vaccinated some of the viruses or diseases that exist will eventually not exist anymore to the point where people will not have to be vaccinated each year to prevent them from getting a certain virus or disease. The Herd Immunity is believed …show more content…

People believe this because of religion believes, a situation that has happened in their lives, or because of some scientific facts that they heard at one point of their lives. There are several religions that believe that vaccinations are evil because they believe that they were put on this world naturally and they should take their life course naturally so if sickness comes their way and it kills them they believe that, that was something that was meant to be. Some people struggle with trusting vaccinations because of an experience that they have gone through, for example people have had their child vaccinated at a young age and they developed a disease that they had not had previous to getting the vaccinations. People also do not believe that vaccines are not good because of scientific facts that they have heard, like young children have developed autism at a young age from getting a certain

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