The name abortion sets an eerie feeling in the pit of one’s stomach. The thought of killing an innocent being should be considered illegal. No one should be given the right to kill an innocent child for their own selfish desires. Whether the child is a mistake, made from an inconvenience, or not having the financial capacity of raising another is no reason to abort. Abortion should be illegal because taking an innocent life is considered murder; it is not about choice, but the value of life itself and it goes against a person’s human rights.
If killing an innocent child is not considered murder, then what is the definition of murder? Not giving a child to take its first breath of fresh air and by seizing their existence is a punishable crime.
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Killing a child that didn’t even have the chance to speak or fight for their lives is not justice, its immorality. In 1989 when the court Webster v. Reproductive health services; the Supreme Court held four provisions of a Missouri abortion law. The Missouri statue declared a legislative policy that “the life of each human being begins at conception” (Wardle). Besides the parents who decide to initiate the killing, but it is more of the doctors who are charged for murder. Kermit Gosnell, an abortionist was convicted of first-degree murder in the deaths of three infants who born alive. Not only was Gosnell charged for killing babies, but he was also charged for ill treatments towards women who were getting an abortion, which also resulted in some deaths as well (Wardle). Rape and incest is a major fallback on the issues of antiabortion. Most if not all people see this as an act of disgrace; if the child is born from this sort of misconduct it is most likely to be shunned by those surrounding it. Rape and incest is not a reason to abort an innocent human being, the emotional and physiological impact has already been placed within the victim. Killing the child does not take away the pain, but only increases the guilt within the mother. The mother is not only the victim of rape or incest, but the child is the product of that misdemeanor which also make him/her the victim as well. The physiological distraught will forever be upheld within the …show more content…
It is not acceptable during any circumstances to decide for a human being that they should not serve their life here on earth. A child’s life is much more precious than one’s own selfish desires. It is known as murder when an innocent life is taken, and no one should bear this type of mistreatment. Even if the child was a product of rape or incest, it would still be considered unjust to take an innocent human being. The child that would never get a chance to see life, and possibly be the solution to many people’s issues would never get a chance to take its first breath of air. Just as rape should be considered a capital punishment, so shall abortion because killing an innocent is a punishable
These specific cases only represent a combined 1.6% of total abortions in the United States each year. A staggering 98.3% of all abortions are elective. This means that this pro-choice argument is invalid and is only used to draw upon the emotions and cause empathy for victims of rape or cases of risk to maternal or fetal health. Rape is a very serious subject, and women have an extremely heavy burden while carrying the child, but the child’s life is valuable and still should not be
“Abortion is the spontaneous or artificially induced expulsion of an embryo or fetus” (Abortion, 2002). An artificially induced abortion is the type referred to in the legal context. Abortions happen in different situations. The question comes when is it the right or wrong choice. The root question becomes the moment a fetus becomes a person and entitled to rights. The fetus could be a person at conception, during the pregnancy, or at birth. The deciding moment differs from the Pro-life group and Pro-choice group. After critically analyzing four different arguments about the pros and cons of abortion, one will be able to understand the ethical, moral, and
Abortion is the deliberate killing of the weakest and most defenseless among us. A pregnant woman has the right to decide whether her baby should live or die. But what about the unborn baby? Doesn’t it get a say? Doesn’t its life cost anything? According to the first amendment of the constitution, we have the freedom of speech. So why not give the speechless fetus a chance to come into the world? If the reason for an abortion is not having enough money or wanting to live a free life, then there are many organizations that can help children that have no support from their family. In this paper, I will defend the view that having an abortion is morally wrong.
If a rape and/or incest occur, with the appropriate medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. But abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime. The perpetrator is the one who should be punished.
Imagine if you were placed in a life or death situation and you had no way to fight for life. This is the circumstance that unborn children encounter when they are forced to experience an abortion, which terminates them and tortures them during their mother’s pregnancy. Abortion is wrong and should be illegal, because it violates the rights of an unborn human being who doesn’t have control over what happens to them. I believe everyone should be against abortion due to my personal opinion as well as genuine facts of the negative effects this procedure has. Abortion is a touchy subject that people feel very strongly about, whether they are “pro life” or “pro choice”.
There are many controversial issues being debated in today’s society; however, one of the more heated issues is abortion. Abortion has been around at almost every point in American history. Consequently, since the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade there have been approximately 57,762,169 abortions in America (“Are You”). This raises the question of should abortion be legal or illegal, and is this immoral or moral to do? The decision to have an abortion can be a difficult time in a woman’s life, but is not a moral way to end a pregnancy. Abortion in the United States should be illegal because of the effects it has on women, the immorality of killing a baby, and how it affects society.
Each year there are roughly 6 million pregnancies in the U.S., with 20% resulting in the termination of the fetus, or abortion in other terms. Mathematically, that is estimated to be 1.2 million babies that have no hope for a future outside the womb (American Pregnancy). Everyone has a right to life; this right is exercised in many parts of the American life, namely the Declaration of Independence (The Abortion Controversy 113-116). Therefore, the United States’ federal government should go to greater lengths to prohibit these so called ‘abortions’ in every case, regardless of the situation. It matters not what the women who get these abortions think, and it matters to many that this is looked upon to be immoral (Guttmacher, The Abortion
Let’s move to the next topic, why the abortion is unconstitutional. When the United States became an Independent Nation the Founding Fathers declared “All men are created equal…with certain unalienable Rights…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (A Transcription 1776). The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution provides that no person should be ‘deprived of life’ without option to the due process of the law. At conception a new life comes into existence, one with a unique genetic code and the unlimited potential for greatness that is concealed in all humans, the progression into a baby, then toddler, child, teenager, adult is certain. However, aborting a fetus denies it of life and the ability to relish its future liberty and the pursuit
How would you feel, if I told you that your mother wanted to have an abortion when you were a fetus just because she didn’t want to raise you, didn’t have the time for you, or the money. Or didn’t want the responsibility that came with having a child. What if I told you that half of the women that get pregnant in the U.S. today have abortions, and their main reason is most likely because it might interfere with their work, education, or relationships. Which is selfish. If you think about it, they think that the the baby inside them means nothing. They don’t deserve to live a happy life or a life at all. Also they think it’s their body, but it’s not it’s the baby's body too. This controversial topic has been an a highly debated argument for many years, whether it’s ethical to kill your unborn child or or not! Also the fact that the rate is growing tremendously. Abortions first started in the 1820s. At that time women knew that they were and are killing their fetus or embryo. Some women are not ready to become parents to take the responsibly. Personally, I think that having an abortion is morally wrong because you are killing an unborn fetus or embryo, while it is barely starting to develop.
Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth and is considered morally wrong. An abortion results in the death of an embryo or a fetus, it is the destruction of many helpless and innocent children across world. By going through the process of having this procedure done, humans therefore hurt themselves; they do not give these little ones a chance to come out in the world and be one or maybe a teacher, doctor or the president of tomorrow. People often argue that because the child is unborn then it is not murder but my question is what is it then? Why kill an unborn harmless child because you simply do not want it; that is why they have foster homes and people can adopt children if they aren’t want Abortion is wrong in all different form,
Many people believe abortion should be illegal as they think the termination of a pregnancy is Murder; the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another’’
There are lots of different definitions for murder, but I will share a couple of the most important definitions. God said that “You shall not murder” ( ESV, Exodus 20:13) and other references. I will also quote that “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death” (ESV, Leviticus 24:17). When someone’s life is taken away that is one of the most important things to that person. They may consider their spouse or kids more important, but without their life they cannot live with those people and bless them. Saying that, I should also add that to many people they believe in another life which is much more important to them. However, someone’s life is still one of the most important possessions anyone can
Abortion has been the topic of controversy for ages. Most of those who are opposed are religious and view abortion as a sin. Those who are in support of it say that women deserve to make their own choices and that the fetus isn’t even a human being. Viewing it without allowing religion to cloud judgement, abortion is still wrong. There are many arguments supporting both sides of abortion. That still leaves the question, “Is abortion murder?”
No one can also deny that it is a murder of the innocent. Medical studies show clearly that a fetus is conscious and is performing all six life functions. Just because an organism may not have a whole lung formed doesn’t mean they aren't human. Many people are shown without all body organs or parts. A lot of people who are corresponding the death penalty are in favor of abortion. That is indeed inconsistent. It shows they are not about the decision but sin. Abortion is one of the worst types of murder because it is the killing of a person who has not performed any sin. Some people believe that when an abortion is performed that the baby is not developed, or as some say, “a bunch of cells”, but the truth is that before women even know she is fruitful, about four days missed cycle, that a baby already has a beating heart at 18 days. Also at 18 days, their brain starts generating. At about 6 weeks they respond to touch. The brain and all body systems are present by 8 weeks and performing a month later. At 11 to 12 weeks, the baby is susceptible to heat, touch, light, and noise. Also, all the body systems are working. There have also been studies that show that a baby can feel pain at 20 weeks development. As they continue to grow day by day they don’t become babies they always have been they’ve just become more developed ones. These babies have their own DNA, genitalia, blood representation, and a fingerprint which makes
Abortion was not made to get rid of babies whenever you “felt” like it. It was made so the people that develop serious issues and cannot carry the baby to full term have a way out instead of dying with or without the baby. “One thing that is not hidden, mysterious, or debatable is that making abortion illegal will result in the deaths of women, as it has always done. Is our historical memory so short that none of us remember aunts, sisters, friends, or mothers who were killed or rendered sterile by septic abortion?” (194) It says in the bible that abortion is wrong, and I’m a strong believer. I’m also a strong believer in doing what’s right for everyone. The mother did not know she was going to have issues. The person that possibly got raped didn’t ask for it and they didn’t ask to have a baby. We should not make abortion restricted for these main two reasons.