
Why Should One Drill The Walls Of Knowledge Summary

Decent Essays

Towards the end of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Chronicles of a death foretold, the protagonist, a newly graduated student is sent to a small high school in Columbia to share with the hoi polloi the wisdom he gleaned through his years of research. He posed a rhetorical question that took the crowd by surprise. The protagonist was captivated by the knowledge world, a web crisscrossed by seemingly mystic - and dazzlingly complex - relationships. But he did put his finger on quite a puzzle: Why should one drill the walls of knowledge, if you end up hitting at the hard rocks of mysteries? After a moment of silence, the author himself answers this by saying that knowledge has the ability to lend itself understandable, while being intricate and mysterious. …show more content…

For an example, Democritus was a Greek philosopher who is the father of modern atomic thought. He proposed that atoms are fundamental units of matter and it cannot be further divided –a lucid idea with no intricacies. Centuries later, improving on the works of Ernest Rutherford, Niels Bohr and James Chadwick, the scientific community proposed the modern atomic model, which recognized the existence of subatomic particles. The new atomic model has electrons moving around the nucleus in a cloud. It also propose that it is impossible to exactly measure the location of electrons revolving in a shell –a concept as complex as it sounds. But what were the aftereffects of bringing up such a complex structure? The scientific community will unequivocally concur that it polished the understanding we had about the knotty atomic structures which in turn led to the untangling of many convoluted scientific concepts. Thus, it is inane to say that as we gather knowledge about a subject, it starts to become

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