
Why Should The Color Purple Be Banned Essay

Decent Essays

The book A Color Purple is regularly challenged because those in power cannot handle the past. They seem to forget that books are subjective. Some teenagers read more mature books than people thrice their age. Even if it is a ‘mature read’ there is something to learn from all books. No books should be completely banned from any town, province, or country. A book is like music. Some enjoy the loud crashes of war with a rhythm of gripping tension. Others take in the sweet strums of sappy love, a heartfelt keel to the perfect love story. What I am trying to say here is that music, much like books, is subjective. There would only be one genre of music if we all enjoyed the same slow waltz. This is the same with books. A country singer who only reads hunting books and gun magazines is not going to enjoy a book based on a semi-illiterate, small town, black lesbian from the early 1900’s life, and that’s okay. Such a story may be considered scandalous to this back road trucker. Yet that is still not an excuse to ban the throaty song that is A Color Purple because you enjoy slapstick comedy. There are other people out there who would enjoy such a book and your banning is only making it harder for them to find …show more content…

A book labelled ‘mature’ only means that adult situations take place, which teenagers can handle. A friend of mine is extremely interested in mature reads that she finds on certain websites. My father, at the age of fifty-five no less, simply adores dumb comedies. These two don’t communicate, much less about their reading habits, but that does not mean one of their preferences are wrong. It is more of a difference in their brains make up that . . . make up their differences. So the forcing of literature one doesn’t prefer down their throat is a bad practice and banning books is part of such practice. Stop the banning of literature because one person or group does not savor such a

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