
Why Students Join Band In Middle School

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A student who joins band or choir is most likely joining to try something new. Many students join to learn new skills like discipline or to sing/play an instrument. Along with learning a new skill, students can learn leadership abilities and time management. At Hebron Middle School, band/choir classes are important to many students. Although many students join band/choir, many do not find an interest or need to withdraw from the class. In many schools, 100% of students join band/choir and about 1-2 years later, at least 50% quit. With all of these reasons of which a student may join band or choir, it still is not enough to keep everyone in the class. The current rule for a student in band/choir who wishes to withdraw is very strict and must be taken into consideration to keep band/choir classes organized. “A student who joins band or choir is obligated to complete the school year in that program. If a student wishes to withdraw from band or choir, they must wait until the semester ends to get out.” With the current rule, if a student leaves, it may cause an interruption in the class. This is a big problem with students who wish to withdraw from band/choir and may cause more to leave. Since so many students are leaving band/choir each year, the existing rule needs to be taken into consideration. …show more content…

Students may believe they are not good enough, or find playing an instrument/singing to be difficult. Band instruments can be very expensive, and some parents might not be able to afford renting one. If a student is struggling in other classes, band/choir may take up extra time that a student may need to get help with academic classes. With the drastic amount of students that withdraw from band/choir after a couple years, many more students may leave band/choir if this rule is not

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