
Why The Brain Prefers Paper

Decent Essays

In Why the Brain Prefers Paper by Ferris Jabr, the author claims that reading on paper is better than reading digital or on-screen because paper increase comprehension (102), people are more focused on what they read (103), and people are emotionally connected to books (105). Jabr uses recent studies and statistics to demonstrate that reading on paper increase comprehension, compare and contrast techniques to show that the benefits of reading on paper outweigh the benefits of reading digitally because people are more focused, and pathos to show the emotional connections people have with books. In the exordium, the author uses the hook sentence in upper case letters “ONE OF THE MOST PROVOCATIVE viral YouTube videos” to develop his argument by grabbing the reader’s attention (Jabr 98). Jabrr states many secondary claims such as reading on paper allows people to remember information easily and “ screens also drain more of our mental resources while we are reading”( 99). These secondary claims work together or serve as evidence to prove that reading on paper is better than reading on a screen. In the exordium, Jabr does not focus on establishing his ethos, but rather he establishes the claim’s ethos to support the argument and the use of the third person point of view of the text establishes that the relationship to the argument is more important than his relationship to the audience. To begin, Jabr gives some background history on the brain to develop his argument by

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