
Why The New Nhs Record System ( Npfit ) Was Deemed A Failure Essay

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The purpose of this task is g to evaluate why the new NHS record system (NpfIT) was deemed a failure. Some of the focuses will be on how the suppliers failed and evaluate this issue. This issue will then be compared with the Prince2 project method and see where the failings took place in the planning and the final part will be to show how these issues could have been avoided, based on the background reading. The suppliers behind the record system were split into two categories, NASP (National Application Service Providers) LSP (Local Service Providers). The NASP set of suppliers were developing a system for the NHS users across England. The LSP was to create the local system and ensure it connected to the national systems. BT was both a NASP and LSP in charge of developing the spine and N3 as well as being the LSP for London. Other NASPs were Atos Origin was the NASP for the ‘choose and book’ system. The Last NASP was Cable and Wireless who headed the mailing system project. One other LSP, CSC were in charge of the local record systems for the North, Midlands and East. See Appendix I for more. They were many issues surrounding the supplier and the failings, one important and reoccurring fact is that there was a very poor framework developed between the head of the programme Richard Granger and the many suppliers chosen to help. He chose many suppliers hoping that if one was to fail on providing they would be fired and another one simply take its place. However, the lack of

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