
Why Unemployment Is Important?

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5.8 percent is the current unemployment rate for the month of October in 2014 in the United States. Why talking about unemployment is important? Well, information about unemployment and other market forces will be very helpful to the reader when the time of talking and explaining how the neoclassical economics, market forces operating in the labor market, assure that the economy will not suffer from prolonged bouts or periods of high unemployment occurs. Economists define unemployment as: a person who is willing to work at the current wage being paid for people with his/her skills and experience, but is not employed. The key word in the definition for unemployment is “willing” to work because a person who chooses not to work is not considered unemployed. And it is no included in the labor force neither. The labor force only includes employed and unemployed people. This paper will mention the market forces in the labor market that assure that the economy will not suffer from a long period of high unemployment according to the neoclassical school of thought, also the criticism made by Keynesian of the neoclassical position, as well as why a market economy can find itself in a state of prolonged levels of high unemployment that market forces cannot cure, according to the school of Keynesian economics.

One very important quality of economics is that it is constantly developing new ideas by new people. There is no a right or wrong theory but more likely a does it fit in my

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