
Why Was Egypt So Successful

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Ancient Egypt Started To form Around 3100 B.C.But when Alexander the great took control at 332 B.C. That's when Egypt started to develop. Egypt was one of the world's first organized society because their written language, religion, and institutions. Egypt Became successful Because their leaders, Military, Culture, and artifacts.

Alexander the Great was born to parents King Philip II and Queen Olympia. At age 18 and aided Philip in defeating the Athenian and Theban armies at Chaeronea. Egypt was successful because Alexander the Great. Egypt was first Being controlled by persians. The Persian army Would attack Egypt over and Over.This is an example of their massive army, being able to gain something back that is theirs. Of course the fight wasn't easy but what Egyptian military was able to bring, started shaping Egypt to a bigger and better civilization. Around 332 B.C. Alexander the great Had Defeated Persian army and took over Egypt himself. With Alexander the great army Egypt was able to protect its own country and conquer more land.

Another good reason Egypt was successful is because their military.Their military help build them together, starting with their weapons and strategy. During the old kingdom the military was formed by farmers. however, during the new …show more content…

During the old kingdom the military was formed by farmers. however, during the new kingdom is when the egyptian civilization started to expand. Their military used bows and arrows that was made out of wood, it took strength and years of practice to be proficient with bows and arrows. Also they used Shields to protect themselves from invaders and enemies. Their main military focus was to keep enemies out. The egyptians built fortresses and outposts along the borders east and west of the nile delta, in the eastern desert and in nubia to the

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