
Why We Should Be Free University

Decent Essays

Twelve months from now all of us in this room will be facing the same choices. Do we go to university, do we go to work, do we take a gap year, do we take a different type of training program? What if university was free? Would that make our choices different? Would we be making the right choice if we didn’t have to pay the heavy costs of university?

I belive University should not be free. There are a number of reasons that support my position.

Firstly, free University would increase the number of students applying, therefore Logos increasing the already high admittance standards. A study done by Maclean's Magazine in 2012 stated the average admittance grade average for Canadian universities was 85%. If there was no financial obstacle for students more would apply to University, which would increase the already high grade admittance average. It could also increase the number of university graduates competing for employment. This risk is that more graduates would be unemployed or underemployed.

Secondly, Free University could also affect the number of people choosing more specialized programs such as trade schools.The risk is that many good trade jobs would go unfilled because students may think that a university degree will get them a better job but this is not necessarily the case. According to the Pre Apprenticeship Training …show more content…

Making university free would increase the competition to get in, it would discourage students from taking other programs that might be better suited to their interests and skills, with no financial “skin in the game” students are not as motivated to do well and finally, the reality is, that university would never be free. All you are doing is passing on the cost to another area of the government. I think that the bigger issue is that people need to WANT to go to university. They need to understand and think about the different options and make a choice that makes sense for them

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