
Why Women Have Abortion Essay

Decent Essays

Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first twenty eight weeks of pregnancy (Google). Statics show that fifty eight percent of women that have an abortion are in their twenties. Sixty one percent show women that have one or more children get abortions. Fifty six percent are unmarried and not cohabiting. Sixty nine percent of women are economically disadvantaged, and seventy three percent of abortions are reports of religious affiliation (Guttmacher). The three reasons as to why women typically have abortions, is when they are not stable enough for a child. If then women was raped, and if it was an accident. Women that have unprotected sex are at a higher risk of getting pregnant. If the women gets pregnant, she will have thoughts about having an abortion if she is not stable enough for the child. Women that think about abortion should also think about adoption. Not all pregnancies should end in abortion. After the first couple weeks of the women finding out she is pregnant, she knows she will be doing something that she will regret. Nine out of ten abortions occur in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. If you do not want to end up pregnant, and having to deal with getting an abortion, use protection. Even though protection can sometimes fail, it is better to have it …show more content…

More than half of the women that are raped and find out that they are pregnant will have an abortion. Women that are raped need to be more careful about where they go, what they do, etc. Yes, it is not the women’s fault that she is getting raped, but there are ways that she can help out the situation. There is pepper spray, Taser guns, and knives. Also, there is the morning after pill. Women that find out that they are pregnant after being raped are heart broken. Studies show that women that are raped and reported pregnant want to kill their self and their baby

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