
Why You Become Becoming A Manager? Essay

Decent Essays

As a current second year business student, enrolled in the Business Administration Program at the University of Prince Edward Island. I am currently interested in owning and running a business myself such as a bar. It was made apparent to me that you have indeed managed a bar in your past. If possible, I would like to ask you a few questions about what it was like running a bar and what to expect if I carry through with opening up my own bar. Questions/Answers: How did you become interested in becoming a manager? I had always thought about being a manager and how much I’d rather be in charge. After working for other people for years it just kind of seemed like a natural progression. What steps would you recommend I take to prepare to enter this field? There are limitless ways to prep yourself for whichever field you eventually choose. I fell into managing a restaurant and bar by chance more than by choice. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I went from being a bouncer, to a bartender, to a manager in a matter of months. Definitely do your homework. Get to know the ins and outs of the industry. Look at statistics, what other establishments are doing and see what’s working for them. Listen to your staff, most importantly, listen to the customers. Familiarize yourself with the laws for food service and liquor. When it comes to a bar, liquor inspectors WILL pay you visits unannounced. Health inspectors tend to let you know when they’re coming, but

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