
Why You Need To Be Hunt Essay

Decent Essays

Preparation is key to a good hunt.

Study the regulations.

Memorize your hunting dates so you aren’t late for getting your license or tag. Most dates regulations change every year, so don’t assume they are the same as last years. Even one detail from last year changes it can ruin your season. You could even get your tag, license, and gun taken away from you.

Take a Hunter Education Course.

Anyone born after January 1, 1972 must do the Hunters Education Course. If they even think about buying a gun, license, or tag. You can take the course on line or a hands on instruction course (best option). If you do the hands on you might want to sign up As Soon As Possible, spots fill up fast. Once you are approved go get your gun, license, and tag, so you can get some practice in before season starts. …show more content…

Depending on what game bird you plan to hunt, where and how you are going to do it. You will need more tags and more paperwork that you can hunt this kind of animal legally. If you are hunting deer, elk or other big game you will need a big gam license. If you are hunting geese, duck, or other birds you will need a small game license, federal migratory bird stamp, and a state validation.

Spend some time with maps.

If you want to succeed in getting an animal you are looking to hunt you need the proper tools. You will need a map, 2-3 trail cameras, and a tree stand. If you walk in to a location you are thinking about hunting you will need to set up your trail cams. Find the spot with the most corn, grass, or other type of cover they could use to hide from pray, and place your cameras in that general location. Set up your stand about 100 yds away from that spot you just picked, or to the nearest water supply.

Get to know landowners.

Get to know people with land you can hunt on, because private land is the best. All the deer go to the private land because there is less guns firing at them, as opposed to public hunting land.


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