
Windows History : Windows : History And History Of The Windows

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Windows History - Windows started by Bill Gates in 1983. The first Windows was called Windows 1.0. Nothing much was special about it, the things it had were a little bit of multitasking and the mouse to provide input. Next came windows 2.0. This was a major difference in Windows. It had overlapping windows like we have today. It also provided icons that were in much better shape. After that came Windows 3.0. It was a major change in Windows history. This was a big change because it had good graphics and a new file management system. Next came Windows 3.11. Windows 3.11 was mainly a better/polished version of windows 3.0. It was also the first non-buggy windows of its kind. After that came windows 3.11NT. Windows 3.11NT was a powerful …show more content…

A couple years later, came Jaguar, Jaguar introduced Universal Access. Universal Access was basically a software that could help people with disabilities. Jaguar also had a new startup screen and replaced the happy mac icon with the fruity apple icon. The one that came after that was panther, but it really wasn't a big difference from jaguar. The next one was Tiger. Tiger was probably one of the biggest changes in Mac Os. The reason I say this is because it introduced widgets to get to apps faster. Also, it had better hardware because the hardware and an intel core chip already installed into it. 2 years later came leopard, Leopard was the longest Mac Os operating system to come out. Leopard introduced a backup system that was built-in called Time Machine. The after that came Lion. Lion was the first version of Mac Os that was not available in CDs or DVDs. Skipping a couple years ahead, came Yosemite. Yosemite was the biggest design change in a long time. It had a beautiful appearance and blurred transparency effects. All the rest were just updates to make Mac Os run smoother and look better. So there was no more major updates. Linux History - Linux was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The funny thing was was how he said that it would be nothin major and just a hobby. The funny thing is is how he is wrong in a good way. Anyway, In 1992 Linux became an open source. This was probably one of the best things he has ever done. In 1993 Slackware LInux was

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